Now that I finally have renewed my account, let's see if I can sum up what's been going on in my life. HMMM.
WELL. Several months ago I fucked up my drawing arm. Like, a lot. And my lazyass doctor kept being like "I dunno what it is, derpderp," so -I- found an orthopedist on my own who told me it's a variation of tennis elbow. Now I see a hand therapist (NOT covered by insurance, wee) once every two weeks. She said my arm was mega swollen, I probably have micro tears in my tendons, and the swelling is pressing on my ulnar nerve which is making my wrist and elbow hurt. Iiiiiit really sucks. I can only do so much with my arm, and really, I shouldn't even be typing this, but oh well XD
I also threw out my back last weekend, so I've been in bed all week on all kinds of pain meds XD I've super loopy, and super tired all the time, but by now my back is hurting less, so I can start stretching it tomorrow.
Last summer I started taking art commissions, and that's been going well enough for me. It's helped pay for art supplies and cons
I went to my first ever furcon back in January, and it was a LOT of fun. Met some awesome friends, made some new clients, and had my first threesome with two guys (one of whom turns out I knew from school XD) and THAT was fucking amazing (no pun intended XD). I'll be going to another furcon later this year in Seattle called Rainfurrest, and I'm really looking forward to that one. I've never been to Seattle!
I've been posting a lot of art to FurAffinity and Weasyl, and have gotten a lot of decent responses from it. I've been getting more confident in my art, which is always nice.
Finally made an art page on FB, so if you look for The Art of Heather Rose on there, thaaat's me
I'll be updating art to as soon as I can, though right now with my arm jacked up, I'm pretty slow.
I'll be exhibiting for the first time ever at two cons later this year! One is called APE and it's in San Francisco, in October. Another will be CTNX in November, in Burbank.
My Con list for next year:
Further Confusion January 16th-20th (Booth!)
ECCC (Emerald City Comic Con) March 28th-30th (Booth!)
FCN April (Maybe)
Califur June (Booth!)
AnthroCon July (Maybe)
Rainfurrest Sept (Booth!)
APE October (Booth!)
CTN-X November (Booth!)
It's a mix of furcons and regular art nerd cons XD I'm really hoping I can make enough this year to make all that happened. I already got approved for FC next year, and that'll be my first time exhibiting at a furcon
HMM, what else.
I have a friend's wedding to go to in June that I'm looking forward to. It's going to be mostly traditional Asian style, so that should be interesting. I already have my dress for it, which I love, I just need to get tights and maybe shoes for it.
July will be my birthday, and I've already got it set up to spend it at Frolic, which is a one night furry club event that happens at The Stud in San Francisco every second Saturday of each month. I lucked out that it happens to fall on my birthdaym so I'll be heading there with a few friends
Another friend rented a hotel room for me as my present, so there will be all kinds of shenanigans
Hopefully another threesome *fingers crossed* I've discovered this year furries are fantastic in bed, at least the ones I've slept with so far XD
It's definitely going to be a busy year, what with trying to heal my arm while also getting art together to exhibit, and lots of mini road trips to the Bay Area to see people. And now that I'm back on SG, I plan to go see more people
Hopefully come out for Frolic more often if I can. I'm not really a furry, but fuck if they aren't fun to party with XD
WELP, that's it for now. More journals soon I'm sure
Now that I finally have renewed my account, let's see if I can sum up what's been going on in my life. HMMM.
WELL. Several months ago I fucked up my drawing arm. Like, a lot. And my lazyass doctor kept being like "I dunno what it is, derpderp," so -I- found an orthopedist on my own who told me it's a variation of tennis elbow. Now I see a hand therapist (NOT covered by insurance, wee) once every two weeks. She said my arm was mega swollen, I probably have micro tears in my tendons, and the swelling is pressing on my ulnar nerve which is making my wrist and elbow hurt. Iiiiiit really sucks. I can only do so much with my arm, and really, I shouldn't even be typing this, but oh well XD
I also threw out my back last weekend, so I've been in bed all week on all kinds of pain meds XD I've super loopy, and super tired all the time, but by now my back is hurting less, so I can start stretching it tomorrow.
Last summer I started taking art commissions, and that's been going well enough for me. It's helped pay for art supplies and cons

I went to my first ever furcon back in January, and it was a LOT of fun. Met some awesome friends, made some new clients, and had my first threesome with two guys (one of whom turns out I knew from school XD) and THAT was fucking amazing (no pun intended XD). I'll be going to another furcon later this year in Seattle called Rainfurrest, and I'm really looking forward to that one. I've never been to Seattle!
I've been posting a lot of art to FurAffinity and Weasyl, and have gotten a lot of decent responses from it. I've been getting more confident in my art, which is always nice.
Finally made an art page on FB, so if you look for The Art of Heather Rose on there, thaaat's me

I'll be exhibiting for the first time ever at two cons later this year! One is called APE and it's in San Francisco, in October. Another will be CTNX in November, in Burbank.
My Con list for next year:
Further Confusion January 16th-20th (Booth!)
ECCC (Emerald City Comic Con) March 28th-30th (Booth!)
FCN April (Maybe)
Califur June (Booth!)
AnthroCon July (Maybe)
Rainfurrest Sept (Booth!)
APE October (Booth!)
CTN-X November (Booth!)
It's a mix of furcons and regular art nerd cons XD I'm really hoping I can make enough this year to make all that happened. I already got approved for FC next year, and that'll be my first time exhibiting at a furcon

HMM, what else.
I have a friend's wedding to go to in June that I'm looking forward to. It's going to be mostly traditional Asian style, so that should be interesting. I already have my dress for it, which I love, I just need to get tights and maybe shoes for it.
July will be my birthday, and I've already got it set up to spend it at Frolic, which is a one night furry club event that happens at The Stud in San Francisco every second Saturday of each month. I lucked out that it happens to fall on my birthdaym so I'll be heading there with a few friends

It's definitely going to be a busy year, what with trying to heal my arm while also getting art together to exhibit, and lots of mini road trips to the Bay Area to see people. And now that I'm back on SG, I plan to go see more people

WELP, that's it for now. More journals soon I'm sure