Man, this year has been CRAZY so far, but good crazy for once, haha XD Thank god >.>
One of the biggest changes is that my 5 yr (almost 6 >.o) dating hiatus has finally come to an end! Oh snap! We started dating off and on in the beginning of January, and become official near the end of January after I re-met his parents (I hadn't seen them since I was in high school). So far everything is going really well and I'm quite happy :3
Apparently I've gained a few lbs, but I've gone down a pant size, so I'm feeling pretty awesome Sooorta frustrated with the weight gain, but I can tell I'm getting muscle in my arms, so I'm blaming the weight gain on muscle Which is probably the case anyway. I've been slacking the last two weeks though, so I need to kick my ass back into gear again. It's been so god damn cold lately though that it's hard to get motivated X_x
This past weekend some friends from the Bay came up to visit, and one girl brought her Xbox with the Kinect. O.M.G. So much fucking fun, I can't even begin to tell you guys @.@ I WANT ONE. We played Dance Central, plus bowling, volley ball, boxing, and table tennis XDDD I'm hella sore still, but god damn was it fun. Waaaant. The weekend overall was a blast too. Lots of baking (LOTS), plus we drove up to the snow. I got stuck a few times >.> I'm heavier than my friends, so even though I stepped where they did, I kept sinking cooch-deep into the snow X_x I gave up after I finally sunk so deep I hit the ground and my shoes filled with mud But still, hella fun weekend
We're s'posed to get snowed in again tomorrow @.@ I live at like, the borderline of being high enough for snow, so we don't usually get very much, but last week we got snowed in and lost power, and that's s'posed to happen again tomorrow or Friday :| Thank god we have plenty of food right now, and I just did all my laundry, so we shooould be good this time around >.> I'ma dig around for a book light though, just in case. I dun wanna be totally screwed Last week my boyfriend was over when it started snowing, so he got snowed in at my place XD;;
Today we're getting our new stove and new lights installed Our previous stove we'd had since I was born, so it was 25 yrs old @.@ We were down to one burner and the oven didn't work very well. Now we have one of those fancy flat top stoves with multi-levels in the oven, so I'm hella excited to bake with it We're also having our shitty flourescent kitchen lights replaced and same with the old school lights in the dining room. It's gonna look SO NICE, omg. In the meantime I'm on dog duty with the psycho locked in my bedroom, so I figured it was a good opportunity to update here
SO YEAH. That's roughly what's new. Otherwise it's pretty much SSDD: draw, exercise, TV, movies, music, draw, internet, drawdrawdrawdraw, repeat
One of the biggest changes is that my 5 yr (almost 6 >.o) dating hiatus has finally come to an end! Oh snap! We started dating off and on in the beginning of January, and become official near the end of January after I re-met his parents (I hadn't seen them since I was in high school). So far everything is going really well and I'm quite happy :3
Apparently I've gained a few lbs, but I've gone down a pant size, so I'm feeling pretty awesome Sooorta frustrated with the weight gain, but I can tell I'm getting muscle in my arms, so I'm blaming the weight gain on muscle Which is probably the case anyway. I've been slacking the last two weeks though, so I need to kick my ass back into gear again. It's been so god damn cold lately though that it's hard to get motivated X_x
This past weekend some friends from the Bay came up to visit, and one girl brought her Xbox with the Kinect. O.M.G. So much fucking fun, I can't even begin to tell you guys @.@ I WANT ONE. We played Dance Central, plus bowling, volley ball, boxing, and table tennis XDDD I'm hella sore still, but god damn was it fun. Waaaant. The weekend overall was a blast too. Lots of baking (LOTS), plus we drove up to the snow. I got stuck a few times >.> I'm heavier than my friends, so even though I stepped where they did, I kept sinking cooch-deep into the snow X_x I gave up after I finally sunk so deep I hit the ground and my shoes filled with mud But still, hella fun weekend
We're s'posed to get snowed in again tomorrow @.@ I live at like, the borderline of being high enough for snow, so we don't usually get very much, but last week we got snowed in and lost power, and that's s'posed to happen again tomorrow or Friday :| Thank god we have plenty of food right now, and I just did all my laundry, so we shooould be good this time around >.> I'ma dig around for a book light though, just in case. I dun wanna be totally screwed Last week my boyfriend was over when it started snowing, so he got snowed in at my place XD;;
Today we're getting our new stove and new lights installed Our previous stove we'd had since I was born, so it was 25 yrs old @.@ We were down to one burner and the oven didn't work very well. Now we have one of those fancy flat top stoves with multi-levels in the oven, so I'm hella excited to bake with it We're also having our shitty flourescent kitchen lights replaced and same with the old school lights in the dining room. It's gonna look SO NICE, omg. In the meantime I'm on dog duty with the psycho locked in my bedroom, so I figured it was a good opportunity to update here
SO YEAH. That's roughly what's new. Otherwise it's pretty much SSDD: draw, exercise, TV, movies, music, draw, internet, drawdrawdrawdraw, repeat