Jesus christ on a stick, I need to get back into SG @.@ I've been so distracted with real life and moping around, I haven't bothered with socializing much.
So in November I went to CTNX down in Burbank. CTNX is an amaaaazing convention of animators, students, and other such professionals. I made a lot of wonderful new contacts and friends, and I can't wait for next year. I had never gone before, so I didn't really know what to expect. I'd also been saving all year for it, so I totally spoiled myself with prints and art books
OH, and the night before events started, there was a private screening of The Illusionist, which is a beautifully animated film from the people who created The Triplettes of Belleville. I highly recommend it if it's playing in your area
But yeah, it was a very busy, albeit rewarding weekend, and I can't wait for next year X3
After CTNX, I've been trying to do at least one drawing a day. Unfortunately, that's a lot more difficult than I thought it would be X_x For a while I was doing pretty well at keeping up with it, but then I totally pittered out :\ I'm still in one of those modes where I don't think my art is very good, and I'm lacking inspiration and/or motivation. You'd think I'd be over it, buuuuut no. Oh well. I'm hoping I'll get over it soon. Preferably before the 1st, as that's when I plan to kick my own ass into gear, no excuses.
I've also stopped exercising and dieting, which is a bad idea obviously >.o I can tell in PT that the lack of exercise is definitely becoming a problem, as I get tired out more quickly and chest starts to hurt sooner than it used to. Blargh. Yet another thing I'm going to kick my ass at- no more excuses! Gotta get myself back into shape and start getting in shape again.
I need to work on being more sociable, and less "my life sucks" XD;;; I've spent a lot of my time just hanging out at my house, watching movies/TV and not doing a whole lot to get closer to my career. I need to start animating again (it's been at least a year now, ugh), drawing every day, and keeping in touch with people out of town. Here in Sonora I don't really talk to anyone aside from one person, and even she is hard for me to relate to most of the time. SO, the majority of my friends are back in SF doing awesome, aaaand I'm stuck out here, feeling miserable. It sucks. Instead of focusing on shit I can't change, like my friends being 3 hrs away, I need to focus my energy into things I CAN change, like how often I draw or animate, or making more effort to keep in touch.
So in November I went to CTNX down in Burbank. CTNX is an amaaaazing convention of animators, students, and other such professionals. I made a lot of wonderful new contacts and friends, and I can't wait for next year. I had never gone before, so I didn't really know what to expect. I'd also been saving all year for it, so I totally spoiled myself with prints and art books

After CTNX, I've been trying to do at least one drawing a day. Unfortunately, that's a lot more difficult than I thought it would be X_x For a while I was doing pretty well at keeping up with it, but then I totally pittered out :\ I'm still in one of those modes where I don't think my art is very good, and I'm lacking inspiration and/or motivation. You'd think I'd be over it, buuuuut no. Oh well. I'm hoping I'll get over it soon. Preferably before the 1st, as that's when I plan to kick my own ass into gear, no excuses.
I've also stopped exercising and dieting, which is a bad idea obviously >.o I can tell in PT that the lack of exercise is definitely becoming a problem, as I get tired out more quickly and chest starts to hurt sooner than it used to. Blargh. Yet another thing I'm going to kick my ass at- no more excuses! Gotta get myself back into shape and start getting in shape again.
I need to work on being more sociable, and less "my life sucks" XD;;; I've spent a lot of my time just hanging out at my house, watching movies/TV and not doing a whole lot to get closer to my career. I need to start animating again (it's been at least a year now, ugh), drawing every day, and keeping in touch with people out of town. Here in Sonora I don't really talk to anyone aside from one person, and even she is hard for me to relate to most of the time. SO, the majority of my friends are back in SF doing awesome, aaaand I'm stuck out here, feeling miserable. It sucks. Instead of focusing on shit I can't change, like my friends being 3 hrs away, I need to focus my energy into things I CAN change, like how often I draw or animate, or making more effort to keep in touch.
Well here is to getting back on the band wagon and being social all over again!
Exactly XD It's a new year now, time to hop to it!