Sloooowly trying to update my art blog more. I need to color some of my sketches so it's not so black and white >.o And upload some animation, though I'm hesitant to upload anything that's not finished .-.;;
Kinda vaguely working on my eating habits. Trying to eat more fruits and veggies, though this is pretty hit and miss since I haaaate veggies >.o Also watching that I don't overeat like I usually do, and I've been going for walks every day. We'll see how well any of this pays off
I do need to do more yoga though. I let my cat talk me into laying in bed all day (he's so cute sleeping on my leg when he's not ripping my arm off), when I should be taking a break and stretching. Maybe today I'll dig out my yoga mat and find a big enough space in the house
Went to an accupuncture appt yesterday where the lady told me I have so many things wrong, she doesn't know if she can help XD;;; It didn't seem like it did any good, but I'm gonna give her one more try next week and see how it goes. I called and left a message with a neurologist today, so hopefully they call me back soon and I can make an appt asap.
Hmmm, what else. Been spending my freedom watching TV, going out with friends, cleaning up data, and cleaning the house. Mom and I have SO MUCH CLUTTER, it's ridiculous. I've been a bitch about getting things sorted, and mom is actually letting me have control XD Some time over the weekend I'm going to clean out my bathroom (maybe mom's too), reorganize the kitchen, and we'll be sorting through cardboard so I can take it to the recycling center next week. Also going to be working on my duck project again and try to get that on the go. Aaaand I need to go to my old junior college this weekend (weather permitting X_x) and do some tree studies. So. Much. Stuff. Omg @.@
Kinda vaguely working on my eating habits. Trying to eat more fruits and veggies, though this is pretty hit and miss since I haaaate veggies >.o Also watching that I don't overeat like I usually do, and I've been going for walks every day. We'll see how well any of this pays off

Went to an accupuncture appt yesterday where the lady told me I have so many things wrong, she doesn't know if she can help XD;;; It didn't seem like it did any good, but I'm gonna give her one more try next week and see how it goes. I called and left a message with a neurologist today, so hopefully they call me back soon and I can make an appt asap.
Hmmm, what else. Been spending my freedom watching TV, going out with friends, cleaning up data, and cleaning the house. Mom and I have SO MUCH CLUTTER, it's ridiculous. I've been a bitch about getting things sorted, and mom is actually letting me have control XD Some time over the weekend I'm going to clean out my bathroom (maybe mom's too), reorganize the kitchen, and we'll be sorting through cardboard so I can take it to the recycling center next week. Also going to be working on my duck project again and try to get that on the go. Aaaand I need to go to my old junior college this weekend (weather permitting X_x) and do some tree studies. So. Much. Stuff. Omg @.@