*dusts off her page on SG*
So yeah. Hi guys
Last two semesters have been INSANE. This Spring sucked ass 'cause I had such a heavy workload. Pretty much didn't leave my apartment except for food and class-related things. But it's done! W00t! Summer school starts in two or three weeks XD;;
Three people I knew died this year in the span of like, three months, one of whom was my aunt. Didn't get to go to her funeral 'cause it was right around finals and I would have failed my classes if I missed anything :\ Definitely a shitty time for everything to explode
Currently I'm in Kansas visiting a friend for a few weeks. I got here on the 16th and I'm going back home on the 10th. So far everything's been really fun. We went to a Death Cab For Cutie concert (my first concert!) on Friday and we're going to see Panic! At The Disco tonight, then Mindless Self Indulgence and The Birthday Massacre next Monday. Insaaanity I say. Yesterday we went to Hooters since neither of us had gone before, and the shirt I bought, my boobs are too big for it XD;;; Yyyyeah, my boobs broke Hooters. We about died laughing this morning after I tried on my shirt and it barely fit
Anyway, yeah, there's a lot of other crap, but it really doesn't matter much or I just dun care
Whichever XD Now for some leftovers and to go run some errands before OMFGPANICTONIGHT *fangirls everywhere*
So yeah. Hi guys

Last two semesters have been INSANE. This Spring sucked ass 'cause I had such a heavy workload. Pretty much didn't leave my apartment except for food and class-related things. But it's done! W00t! Summer school starts in two or three weeks XD;;
Three people I knew died this year in the span of like, three months, one of whom was my aunt. Didn't get to go to her funeral 'cause it was right around finals and I would have failed my classes if I missed anything :\ Definitely a shitty time for everything to explode
Currently I'm in Kansas visiting a friend for a few weeks. I got here on the 16th and I'm going back home on the 10th. So far everything's been really fun. We went to a Death Cab For Cutie concert (my first concert!) on Friday and we're going to see Panic! At The Disco tonight, then Mindless Self Indulgence and The Birthday Massacre next Monday. Insaaanity I say. Yesterday we went to Hooters since neither of us had gone before, and the shirt I bought, my boobs are too big for it XD;;; Yyyyeah, my boobs broke Hooters. We about died laughing this morning after I tried on my shirt and it barely fit

Anyway, yeah, there's a lot of other crap, but it really doesn't matter much or I just dun care

WOOT for breaking hooters! I think that deserves a pic tho...
XDDD They will come in time. I'll try to get my friend to take photos of me in it some time this weekend