I'm not dead, I swear >.>;;; Just... mostly dead.
UHM. My health has kinda taken a nose dive to where I have to get shots every few months for a while and I have to get check ups every three months to make sure stuff hasn't gotten worse. That alone has kinda knocked me on my ass and made it to where I don't want to interact much with people.
Drama llama has been exploding in my dorm lately, though thankfully I haven't been directly involved in it, people just want to bitch to me about it all the time.
Despite the health crap, I've been going out to clubs with my friends on the occassion. So far this year I've seen The Chemical Brothers, Benny Benassi, and my -absolute favorite- BT <33333 I was many kinds of fangirly goodness that night
Currently I have straight As, which has never ever EVER happened to me before in my life, never mind while attending art school. Trying to keep those good grades, though my 3D class isn't making it easy, what with an idiotic teacher flaking on directions and my computer dying for over a week. Blargh. My Experimental Animation class, with the exception of a group project, is going WONDERFULLY. My teacher helps me out a lot and he loves all the work I do X3 He used to work for Disney back when they did 2D work, so you can imagine how happy it makes me that someone like him likes my work
Hum, what else...
Possibly going to look into an intership with Pixar next summer. Unfortunately I don't like any of my 3D work so far, so all I have on my demo reel is traditional animation and art pieces. Also going to check out volunteering at Siggraph in the summer. AND I'll be doing summer school again. Soooo busy.
I graduate in Fall of '09 :E This kinda scares the shit out of me, if only 'cause it means in two yrs I'll be putting myself out there everywhere to get a job. Which means sending a million and one copies of my demo reel to every place in the US I can think of, even if it's a place I wouldn't be totally thrilled about working for. Gotta pay off those loans XP
Nothing too amazing, really. Just school stuff, health crap, and trying not to get tied up in a bunch of crap. Weeee.
Take care, everyone <3
UHM. My health has kinda taken a nose dive to where I have to get shots every few months for a while and I have to get check ups every three months to make sure stuff hasn't gotten worse. That alone has kinda knocked me on my ass and made it to where I don't want to interact much with people.
Drama llama has been exploding in my dorm lately, though thankfully I haven't been directly involved in it, people just want to bitch to me about it all the time.
Despite the health crap, I've been going out to clubs with my friends on the occassion. So far this year I've seen The Chemical Brothers, Benny Benassi, and my -absolute favorite- BT <33333 I was many kinds of fangirly goodness that night
Currently I have straight As, which has never ever EVER happened to me before in my life, never mind while attending art school. Trying to keep those good grades, though my 3D class isn't making it easy, what with an idiotic teacher flaking on directions and my computer dying for over a week. Blargh. My Experimental Animation class, with the exception of a group project, is going WONDERFULLY. My teacher helps me out a lot and he loves all the work I do X3 He used to work for Disney back when they did 2D work, so you can imagine how happy it makes me that someone like him likes my work
Hum, what else...
Possibly going to look into an intership with Pixar next summer. Unfortunately I don't like any of my 3D work so far, so all I have on my demo reel is traditional animation and art pieces. Also going to check out volunteering at Siggraph in the summer. AND I'll be doing summer school again. Soooo busy.
I graduate in Fall of '09 :E This kinda scares the shit out of me, if only 'cause it means in two yrs I'll be putting myself out there everywhere to get a job. Which means sending a million and one copies of my demo reel to every place in the US I can think of, even if it's a place I wouldn't be totally thrilled about working for. Gotta pay off those loans XP
Nothing too amazing, really. Just school stuff, health crap, and trying not to get tied up in a bunch of crap. Weeee.
Take care, everyone <3
Though SOME people (*coughladyjanedizastorcough*) need to convert to the SFness
sweet grrl, i'm sorry you're going through the health blues.
on the other hand i am DAMN PROUD of you & your straight A's!!!!!!! !!!!
good luck with Pixar & no worries on post-graduation. somehow, i know you'll be just fine.
happy thanksgiving, luv!
p.s. i am stealing "Drama Llama" for my own coolness factor.
Fah, I don't even graduate for another two yrs, and I'm already super freaked out XD;;; Internships make me even more nervous, argh.
You too! <333 I hope you had a good one :3
Ahahahaaa, use the phrase well, hun