Good god, after a shit-ton of mishaps and redoing hrs and hrs worth of work, my animation is finally RENDERED <3333 I'll be checking on it tomorrow morning to make sure nothing fucked up, and if all went well, then I'll be rendering out as a .mov so it can be played on QuickTime by anyone, instead of only through Maya. WEEEE, so fucking happy that thing is 95% done now. When I left last night, it was taking one minute to render each frame, and I had 450 frames, so XD;;; I just hope all went smoothly *crosses fingers*
Mom's gonna drive into SF this Saturday before noon to pick me and all my stuff up. She finally caved after I bitched and moaned about all the bulky stuff that needs to come home. XP;; I haven't seen her since March, so I'm sure there'll be much glompings and faunings and whatnot. Oi, suffocation anyone? I'm just glad she's coming in so I don't have to drag a duffle bag, my laptop case, my portfolio with THREE 18x24 sketchbooks inside, and my purse all onto Bart. Nevermind all the shit I'd be sending home. Weee.
Tomorrow I'll be spending the day in lab fixing up past projects, rendering out my animation to a .mov, and putting together a demo reel. All this stuff is due Wednesday morning as my final. Urgh. I need to look up music to put this stuff together, as well as tweak whatever I can at home today in between killing myself on Figure Drawing and all the mad runnings around I need to do today. Gotta love finals weeks @.@
Later this week, after my last class, a friend and I are supposedly getting manicures and pedicures (so girly >.o), and possibly watching a movie afterwards if she doesn't have to go home right away. Then I pack, sleep like maaaad the next day, go out drinking, see mom the next day XDDDD Finals are making me nuts, but I'm excited for this week since everything's drawing to a close. My teachers so far have been giving me good compliments on all my work and encouraging me to do my best, so yay. Can't wait to go home and rest for a few weeks before coming back to SF for summer school.
Hope everyone else is done well <333 People need to stop breaking themselves *coughcough*
Mom's gonna drive into SF this Saturday before noon to pick me and all my stuff up. She finally caved after I bitched and moaned about all the bulky stuff that needs to come home. XP;; I haven't seen her since March, so I'm sure there'll be much glompings and faunings and whatnot. Oi, suffocation anyone? I'm just glad she's coming in so I don't have to drag a duffle bag, my laptop case, my portfolio with THREE 18x24 sketchbooks inside, and my purse all onto Bart. Nevermind all the shit I'd be sending home. Weee.
Tomorrow I'll be spending the day in lab fixing up past projects, rendering out my animation to a .mov, and putting together a demo reel. All this stuff is due Wednesday morning as my final. Urgh. I need to look up music to put this stuff together, as well as tweak whatever I can at home today in between killing myself on Figure Drawing and all the mad runnings around I need to do today. Gotta love finals weeks @.@
Later this week, after my last class, a friend and I are supposedly getting manicures and pedicures (so girly >.o), and possibly watching a movie afterwards if she doesn't have to go home right away. Then I pack, sleep like maaaad the next day, go out drinking, see mom the next day XDDDD Finals are making me nuts, but I'm excited for this week since everything's drawing to a close. My teachers so far have been giving me good compliments on all my work and encouraging me to do my best, so yay. Can't wait to go home and rest for a few weeks before coming back to SF for summer school.
Hope everyone else is done well <333 People need to stop breaking themselves *coughcough*
Aww, it's so awesome that you'll be seeing your mum. Glompings are good.
Good luck with everything, and have an aweosme week sweetheart!