Home for the weekend <333 About fucking time, lemme tell ya. I missed the peace and quiet and time to myself.
Roommate drama keeps getting worse :E Gonna talk to Housing next week to get shit resolved.
Talked to my advisor on Wednesday. Found out people told me the wrong info about transfering my credits from my old school, and now 9 or more classes may go down the drain. I get to fight with AAU to get these classes transferred, bleh. I'll be talking to someone when I get back next week.
Next week I'll also be registering for summer and fall classes, talking to the directors of the Animation and VFX departments, and trying to finish up projects. School is keeping me on my toes, that's for fucking sure X_x
One of my friends is trying to get this guy in the dorms to take me out for lunch. Good luck with that
This guuy is into the very skinny, big boobed kind of girls, so I doubt anything will come of it. She said he'd think about it though, so I dunno. Whatever XP
Oh man, srsly, time to myself, eeeek, I'm enjoying it like hell. I slept so much last night, and I'ma do the same again tonight. Sunday I'ma sleep in hella late, just 'cause I CAN, dammit.
Gonna order some clothes while I'm here too. I need a bath robe, and I need some warmer clothes, so I'ma order some long-sleeved thermals from Hot Topic. Also need rainboots, which I need to find somewhere. Ooo, and I saw some really nice shirts at Hot Topic too that scream Disney geek, so I'm pick through and order some of those as well. I really need PANTS though, which are the hardest thing EVAR for me to find.
The annual Celtic Faire is next weekend about a half hr from home. I try to go every year, but I dunno if I can this year since it's kind of a pain in the ass to get home and back to SF. Meeehh, I need to check out ones that are near SF and try to go to those when I can. I'll have to ask the SF group on here, as well as e-mail people I know who work at the faires and see what they know.
Gonna hang out with a friend in a little bit. Not sure wtf we'll do, since, really, there's not much to do in Sonora. Chances are we'll end up talking about crap, going out for pie, and talking more. Though I do need to pick up a prescription at some point today. Weee.
Yupyup, that's about it. School is making me tear my hair out, my roommates are making everything that more miserable, and I'm home for a few days.
Roommate drama keeps getting worse :E Gonna talk to Housing next week to get shit resolved.
Talked to my advisor on Wednesday. Found out people told me the wrong info about transfering my credits from my old school, and now 9 or more classes may go down the drain. I get to fight with AAU to get these classes transferred, bleh. I'll be talking to someone when I get back next week.
Next week I'll also be registering for summer and fall classes, talking to the directors of the Animation and VFX departments, and trying to finish up projects. School is keeping me on my toes, that's for fucking sure X_x
One of my friends is trying to get this guy in the dorms to take me out for lunch. Good luck with that

Oh man, srsly, time to myself, eeeek, I'm enjoying it like hell. I slept so much last night, and I'ma do the same again tonight. Sunday I'ma sleep in hella late, just 'cause I CAN, dammit.
Gonna order some clothes while I'm here too. I need a bath robe, and I need some warmer clothes, so I'ma order some long-sleeved thermals from Hot Topic. Also need rainboots, which I need to find somewhere. Ooo, and I saw some really nice shirts at Hot Topic too that scream Disney geek, so I'm pick through and order some of those as well. I really need PANTS though, which are the hardest thing EVAR for me to find.
The annual Celtic Faire is next weekend about a half hr from home. I try to go every year, but I dunno if I can this year since it's kind of a pain in the ass to get home and back to SF. Meeehh, I need to check out ones that are near SF and try to go to those when I can. I'll have to ask the SF group on here, as well as e-mail people I know who work at the faires and see what they know.
Gonna hang out with a friend in a little bit. Not sure wtf we'll do, since, really, there's not much to do in Sonora. Chances are we'll end up talking about crap, going out for pie, and talking more. Though I do need to pick up a prescription at some point today. Weee.
Yupyup, that's about it. School is making me tear my hair out, my roommates are making everything that more miserable, and I'm home for a few days.
You sound busy to the hilt girl! I hope your class credits and your rooming situation get sorted out ASAP so you can concerntrate on the important things that you're there to do in the first place.
We miss ya, babe! xx