Some jackass set off the fire alarm at like, 1a last night -_- How? He put fucking paper towels in the OVEN when he was cooking taquitos. Yus, he put -paper towels- in the -oven.- He's older than me, he's had military training, and yet he doesn't fucking know not to put paper towels in there? He could have burned down the fucking house. He's not admitting to it yet and hasn't apologized to anyone. The fire fighters were pissed as fuck when they left last night, and the guy who caused it is going to have to pay close to $1,000 in fines from what I've heard. BLEEEEH. Fucking idiot, rrr. I mean, yeah, accidents happen, but SRSLY. Think about what you're doing, it's not that hard.
This weekend needs to end, plz. Everything has been utter crap since Thursday .-.
Now back to correcting one of the most poorly written stories I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with.
*rubs her runny-ass nose on someone*
This weekend needs to end, plz. Everything has been utter crap since Thursday .-.
Now back to correcting one of the most poorly written stories I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with.
*rubs her runny-ass nose on someone*
Haha, yeah, I'm dead serious. The guy has been lying low since
Sankyou, I hope this week will be better :3
How have you been doing? I'm glad you're okay. *hugs*
Take care and have fun at school