I'm getting sick, ugh. I feel like so much shit right now *rolls around*
Someone broke one of my favorite bracelets. I wouldn't be so pissed if they hadn't fucking -lost the pieces.- He apologized, sorta, but this chick friend of his started being mouthy with me about it, saying it was just a bracelet and all this shit. It's not just a fucking bracelet. I made it with one of my best friends, who has moved out of state now, and it had my old dog's name on it. It was fucking sentimental- I had had it for a year and it never broke. He has it for a WEEK and breaks it. Fucker. Dammit, I'm pissed.
Iiiii feel like crap. My roommate and her friend are here trying to figure out something to do. I kinda just wanna take my medicine and go to bed. I feel like crap and I'm all pissed off about last night and my bracelet.
Someone broke one of my favorite bracelets. I wouldn't be so pissed if they hadn't fucking -lost the pieces.- He apologized, sorta, but this chick friend of his started being mouthy with me about it, saying it was just a bracelet and all this shit. It's not just a fucking bracelet. I made it with one of my best friends, who has moved out of state now, and it had my old dog's name on it. It was fucking sentimental- I had had it for a year and it never broke. He has it for a WEEK and breaks it. Fucker. Dammit, I'm pissed.
Iiiii feel like crap. My roommate and her friend are here trying to figure out something to do. I kinda just wanna take my medicine and go to bed. I feel like crap and I'm all pissed off about last night and my bracelet.