(X-posted from LJ)
Welp, I'm back home for the weekend. It feels horribly weird compared to SF, but it's nice in that it's so quiet. I took a nap earlier and no one bothered me <333 It was glorious. Got back to Sonora around 3, puttered around, fell asleep reading homework. Mom and I were gonna go to Wal-Mart, but I was too tired. I dun think we're going out for dinner tonight either. So tomorrow we'll end up going to Wal-Mart at some point, and mom wants to take me to a Chinese place down in Jamestown <3 Rock.
Mom updated me on a lot of health things. Her surgery is getting put off another 6 months, because her doctor doesn't think the lumps are anything to worry about yet. Mom's really worried about the cost of the surgery, so she's sorta okay about waiting. She may ask another doctor's opinion some time soon, just in case, and her regular doctor showed her the proper way to feel her breast so she can check correctly to see if the lumps change over time.
My aunt, the one who has breast cancer again, they've been trying radiation to shrink the tumor, but apparently it's not working as well as it should be. They're afraid to operate because apparently when air touches the disease, it "takes off," as mom put it, and spreads uber fast. That's why they've been trying to shrink the tumor, so they'd have less of a chance of that. My aunt was just going to have one breast removed, but now it looks like for certain she'll have to have both removed. I believe they're still trying to find a way to shrink the tumor before they go through with the surgery. Not too sure.
Our friend Jim, mom hasn't heard anything about him since Thursday. He's unresponsive and on a breathing machine and the brain damage is extensive. Mom thinks that since she hasn't heard from anyone and the wife's shop is closed that he died and everyone is too overwhelmed by it to call anyone else. Jim L., mom's friend through Jim, was crying a ton on Thursday. He had gone into the room to see Jim while he was on the breathing machine, and started crying. Apparently he had just seen him earlier that day, then Jim L. left to take my mom to dinner, and that's when the second stroke occured. I guess the brain damage is so bad that even if he recovered, he'd be incredibly messed up. I... I haven't really let it sink in yet. I'm kinda trying not to until mom gets confirmation if Jim is dead or not.
Besides all that, I went to a bar Friday night with like, a quarter of the people from my dorm. We played Beer Pong, which is the stupidest, most awesome drinking game ever
I was playing with Jenn, who I had seen around my dorm but never talked to before, and she was so friggin' cool. I got on really well with her :E I got tipsy from the beer, but after that I only drank water. Not so much for everyone else. Ohhh, man. So bad, but so funny. And Jenn had brought her camera along, so there's photographic evidence
It was still a lot of fun, but I was starting to freak out after a while and sat around on a bench by all the coats and shit to get away from everyone. It mostly worked. I danced with a lot of the girls, and someone said I gave them the ride of their life *snerks* And some balding, badly dressed guy hit on me, before walking off and I tried to get one of the guys from my dorm to protect me XP Eventually I found Santiago, and he and Jenn were leaving, so he held onto my hand until we got outside. SO GLAD he did that; I would have gotten lost for sure in the bar, there were that many people packed in there. So Jenn, Santiago, and I walked back to the dorms, got there around 12:30a-ish, and I sank onto one of the couches 'cause my calves hurt sooo friggin' badly. Then like, not even five minutes later, some other friends got back from their own thing, and I filled them in on the bar happenings. Their jaws pretty much hit the floor :E Then some of the more drunk people got back from the bar, I had one of the guys carry my friend up to her room, and I dragged my ass up to my room and tried not to die getting into bed.
EDIT: They've taken Jim off life support, either last night or this morning. However, the doctors say that because he was in such good physical health that it may take a few days, even a week before he'll die. So everyone is pretty much just waiting around for him to do so. His wife is more concerned about the money than the fact that her husband is dying. Meh. And their son isn't doing jackshit 'cause he doesn't care.
I'm trying to keep myself busy so I don't think about it.
Welp, I'm back home for the weekend. It feels horribly weird compared to SF, but it's nice in that it's so quiet. I took a nap earlier and no one bothered me <333 It was glorious. Got back to Sonora around 3, puttered around, fell asleep reading homework. Mom and I were gonna go to Wal-Mart, but I was too tired. I dun think we're going out for dinner tonight either. So tomorrow we'll end up going to Wal-Mart at some point, and mom wants to take me to a Chinese place down in Jamestown <3 Rock.
Mom updated me on a lot of health things. Her surgery is getting put off another 6 months, because her doctor doesn't think the lumps are anything to worry about yet. Mom's really worried about the cost of the surgery, so she's sorta okay about waiting. She may ask another doctor's opinion some time soon, just in case, and her regular doctor showed her the proper way to feel her breast so she can check correctly to see if the lumps change over time.
My aunt, the one who has breast cancer again, they've been trying radiation to shrink the tumor, but apparently it's not working as well as it should be. They're afraid to operate because apparently when air touches the disease, it "takes off," as mom put it, and spreads uber fast. That's why they've been trying to shrink the tumor, so they'd have less of a chance of that. My aunt was just going to have one breast removed, but now it looks like for certain she'll have to have both removed. I believe they're still trying to find a way to shrink the tumor before they go through with the surgery. Not too sure.
Our friend Jim, mom hasn't heard anything about him since Thursday. He's unresponsive and on a breathing machine and the brain damage is extensive. Mom thinks that since she hasn't heard from anyone and the wife's shop is closed that he died and everyone is too overwhelmed by it to call anyone else. Jim L., mom's friend through Jim, was crying a ton on Thursday. He had gone into the room to see Jim while he was on the breathing machine, and started crying. Apparently he had just seen him earlier that day, then Jim L. left to take my mom to dinner, and that's when the second stroke occured. I guess the brain damage is so bad that even if he recovered, he'd be incredibly messed up. I... I haven't really let it sink in yet. I'm kinda trying not to until mom gets confirmation if Jim is dead or not.
Besides all that, I went to a bar Friday night with like, a quarter of the people from my dorm. We played Beer Pong, which is the stupidest, most awesome drinking game ever

EDIT: They've taken Jim off life support, either last night or this morning. However, the doctors say that because he was in such good physical health that it may take a few days, even a week before he'll die. So everyone is pretty much just waiting around for him to do so. His wife is more concerned about the money than the fact that her husband is dying. Meh. And their son isn't doing jackshit 'cause he doesn't care.
I'm trying to keep myself busy so I don't think about it.
Hey, I'm really sorry thing are going poorly with everyone around you. I know I don't know you that well yet, but is there anything I can do to help?
There's not much anyone can do ^^ But your kind words are more than enough and are very much appreciated <3