Ahahaha, class is going to be the death of me, I swear. And so will the bus system. Fuckin', my shuttle last night left ten minutes EARLY. So me and two other friends fuckin' missed it 'cause the asshole left early. AND! And we had to wait around another half hr for the LAST BUS HOME. Holy shit, we were freaking the fuck out. And one of my friends, poor thing, left one of her purses somewhere. One of her DESIGNER purses. She said later it cost almost $3,000 and had a bunch of her shit in it. I felt so bad for her.
But fuck, class is gonna be hard. I've been to three of my four classes so far, and uuugh. I still need to go get my English and Animation books tomorrow that I didn't even know I needed. Also, I have an animated logo due next Wednesday that I have NO time to work on except tomorrow or Friday 'cause I go home this weekend and won't be home until Monday afternoon. AND I don't have a Mac version of the proggie we're using >.< I need to see if I can dl a trial version somewhere, or get an upgrade from the PC one I already have. Bleeeeh.
I dun think I'm going to get on well with my English teacher. She thinks she's so much funnier than she is, she hits on all the guys, and talks about her personal life way too much. Argh. *rips hair out* I hope I actually learn shit this semester. At least it's a creative writing class, and our big project for the semester is to write a four page story. She says it's better to write a memoir instead of fiction, but THBBBBT. I'ma write this story I've been rewriting since I was 13 or 14 *wiggles* Should keep me interested in the class at least. How I'll keep it to just four pages, I have no idea.
Tomorrow I have Figure Drawing with Henry Yan, who is supposed to be amazing :E Everyone is always talking about him, so I'm all excited to learn from him X3 Hopefully he's as awesome as everyone makes him out to be.
hgfiaekui8wvebcuiwan5 I wanna take a nap, but now it's too late for me to do so, since I still need to shower, finish my laundry, and read through the syllabuses(syllabi??) I've been given for my classes so far. I also need to look at shuttle schedules to figure out something for tomorrow so I can go buy books after class, but still get home. Annnd, bleh, I'm sure I have more to do I'm forgetting about.
I go back to Sonora on Saturday for a few days .-. Kinda happy 'cause I want some time to myself, also need to get some things, and as much as mom is making me nuts, I sorta miss her in the "omg, comfort me" kind of way. Monday I have my post-op (ahahaa, half my sutures came out today while I was eating lunch -_-), then a chiropractor appt, then mom is taking me back here. WEEEE, so much to do.
Apparently I completely blanked on a guy hitting on me yesterday :E I was eating lunch with a friend at one of the school cafe places, and this guy commented on my bracelets. We started talking about raves and shit, then I asked him about SG (he was wearing one of the sweatshirts) and we talked about that. When he left, he said something like, "I hope to see you at one of the parties" and I said something like, "Oh, yeah, sure, maybe" or some shit. Then my friend later that night, when we were back home, was like, "And that guy hitting on you..!" And I was like, "WTF are you talking about?" And she and our friend Sean said the guy was obviously hitting on me @.@ No one EVER hits on me, so how was I s'posed to know? >.> At least I found him on MySpace
I hate that thing, but it has its moments. I need to message him on there, rrrr.
Anyway, laundry check time! I swear I'll read through people's journals and sets when I dun have five other people watching what I'm doing XD;;;
But fuck, class is gonna be hard. I've been to three of my four classes so far, and uuugh. I still need to go get my English and Animation books tomorrow that I didn't even know I needed. Also, I have an animated logo due next Wednesday that I have NO time to work on except tomorrow or Friday 'cause I go home this weekend and won't be home until Monday afternoon. AND I don't have a Mac version of the proggie we're using >.< I need to see if I can dl a trial version somewhere, or get an upgrade from the PC one I already have. Bleeeeh.
I dun think I'm going to get on well with my English teacher. She thinks she's so much funnier than she is, she hits on all the guys, and talks about her personal life way too much. Argh. *rips hair out* I hope I actually learn shit this semester. At least it's a creative writing class, and our big project for the semester is to write a four page story. She says it's better to write a memoir instead of fiction, but THBBBBT. I'ma write this story I've been rewriting since I was 13 or 14 *wiggles* Should keep me interested in the class at least. How I'll keep it to just four pages, I have no idea.
Tomorrow I have Figure Drawing with Henry Yan, who is supposed to be amazing :E Everyone is always talking about him, so I'm all excited to learn from him X3 Hopefully he's as awesome as everyone makes him out to be.
hgfiaekui8wvebcuiwan5 I wanna take a nap, but now it's too late for me to do so, since I still need to shower, finish my laundry, and read through the syllabuses(syllabi??) I've been given for my classes so far. I also need to look at shuttle schedules to figure out something for tomorrow so I can go buy books after class, but still get home. Annnd, bleh, I'm sure I have more to do I'm forgetting about.
I go back to Sonora on Saturday for a few days .-. Kinda happy 'cause I want some time to myself, also need to get some things, and as much as mom is making me nuts, I sorta miss her in the "omg, comfort me" kind of way. Monday I have my post-op (ahahaa, half my sutures came out today while I was eating lunch -_-), then a chiropractor appt, then mom is taking me back here. WEEEE, so much to do.
Apparently I completely blanked on a guy hitting on me yesterday :E I was eating lunch with a friend at one of the school cafe places, and this guy commented on my bracelets. We started talking about raves and shit, then I asked him about SG (he was wearing one of the sweatshirts) and we talked about that. When he left, he said something like, "I hope to see you at one of the parties" and I said something like, "Oh, yeah, sure, maybe" or some shit. Then my friend later that night, when we were back home, was like, "And that guy hitting on you..!" And I was like, "WTF are you talking about?" And she and our friend Sean said the guy was obviously hitting on me @.@ No one EVER hits on me, so how was I s'posed to know? >.> At least I found him on MySpace

Anyway, laundry check time! I swear I'll read through people's journals and sets when I dun have five other people watching what I'm doing XD;;;
Haha, awwww XD <333
*lmao; fuckin' dies* XDDD I'm makin' up for missing out on the boy! I paid attention to -some- things at least!
Haha XD <333 I'll upload pics eventually :E I still need to take some, but yuuus. Keep me from getting lazy with my updating, man
I'm glad you're enjoying art school and don't get that teacher get to you! Okay
So, take care and have a kick-ass weekend, hon!