Looks like I'll be down in LA this week from Thursday through next Monday @.@ Dropping down to visit family, but will hopefully have some spare time on Friday and Monday. Figures everyone works those days XD;;; Fuck.
All kinds of stuff going on right now. I should do a big post tomorrow, just copy paste from another site, and add in some of the...
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All kinds of stuff going on right now. I should do a big post tomorrow, just copy paste from another site, and add in some of the...
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Gaaahh, been too long since I last updated. WHOOPS XD;;
Been busy with lots of random shit, trying to avoid drama and get my health on track.
One GOOD thing is I bought my ticket for a trip to Seattle in September! It'll be my first time there
Can't wait! I'm going for a con, and I only know like, one or two people there...
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Been busy with lots of random shit, trying to avoid drama and get my health on track.
One GOOD thing is I bought my ticket for a trip to Seattle in September! It'll be my first time there

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welcome again 

Thank you, Hanke
It's good to be back on SG after such a long hiatus 

I bought a 3TB LaCie external today with USB 3.0 and firebolt capabilities. I AM HAVING ALL THE NERDGASMS EVER
I recently borrowed a sizable chunk of money from my mom to get my dream computer, as my laptop has been giving me signs that it's not very... stable as it once was. And seeing as my whole world revolves around computers, I couldn't NOT...
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I recently borrowed a sizable chunk of money from my mom to get my dream computer, as my laptop has been giving me signs that it's not very... stable as it once was. And seeing as my whole world revolves around computers, I couldn't NOT...
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Now that I finally have renewed my account, let's see if I can sum up what's been going on in my life. HMMM.
WELL. Several months ago I fucked up my drawing arm. Like, a lot. And my lazyass doctor kept being like "I dunno what it is, derpderp," so -I- found an orthopedist on my own who told me it's a variation of...
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Now that I finally have renewed my account, let's see if I can sum up what's been going on in my life. HMMM.
WELL. Several months ago I fucked up my drawing arm. Like, a lot. And my lazyass doctor kept being like "I dunno what it is, derpderp," so -I- found an orthopedist on my own who told me it's a variation of...
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After letting my account die for the last year+, I'm back! WOO!
I'll slowly start updating my profile and photos and such, and dive back into the groups.
I MISSED SG SO MUCH @.@ A lot has happened, buuuut I will update with that properly at another time. Right now I'm all jacked up on pain meds because I threw out my...
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After letting my account die for the last year+, I'm back! WOO!

I MISSED SG SO MUCH @.@ A lot has happened, buuuut I will update with that properly at another time. Right now I'm all jacked up on pain meds because I threw out my...
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Brand new piercing! Just got this on Saturday as a birthday gift to myself X3 My first sub-dermal, and my first piercing in like, 5 years I think @.@ I totally love it XDDD It's still pretty tender and a bit bruised, but oh well. It kinda freaks out the older people I know, and people closer to my age think it's awesome (well, most...
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'Scuse me while I FREAK THE FUCK OUT X_____x
So last week I got an e-mail from my old school, saying there was a mandatory meeting on Friday (the 13th, hurhur) that I HAD to be there for or I wouldn't be elegible for Career Day. Mind you, I didn't find out just how serious this was (as in I HAD to go) until almost...
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So last week I got an e-mail from my old school, saying there was a mandatory meeting on Friday (the 13th, hurhur) that I HAD to be there for or I wouldn't be elegible for Career Day. Mind you, I didn't find out just how serious this was (as in I HAD to go) until almost...
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Happy Birthday!
I need to be more active on SG again, jesus christ X_x I know I've said so a million times already though
LET'S SEE. Boyfriend and I broke up .-. We had a lot of important problems, such as his resenting my being social, he had no sex drive, got jealous easily, etc etc. We broke up about a week ago...
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I need to be more active on SG again, jesus christ X_x I know I've said so a million times already though

LET'S SEE. Boyfriend and I broke up .-. We had a lot of important problems, such as his resenting my being social, he had no sex drive, got jealous easily, etc etc. We broke up about a week ago...
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Man, this year has been CRAZY so far, but good crazy for once, haha XD Thank god >.>
One of the biggest changes is that my 5 yr (almost 6 >.o) dating hiatus has finally come to an end!
Oh snap! We started dating off and on in the beginning of January, and become official near the end of January after I re-met his parents...
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One of the biggest changes is that my 5 yr (almost 6 >.o) dating hiatus has finally come to an end!

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Jesus christ on a stick, I need to get back into SG @.@ I've been so distracted with real life and moping around, I haven't bothered with socializing much.
So in November I went to CTNX down in Burbank. CTNX is an amaaaazing convention of animators, students, and other such professionals. I made a lot of wonderful new contacts and friends, and I can't wait...
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So in November I went to CTNX down in Burbank. CTNX is an amaaaazing convention of animators, students, and other such professionals. I made a lot of wonderful new contacts and friends, and I can't wait...
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Well here is to getting back on the band wagon and being social all over again!
Exactly XD It's a new year now, time to hop to it!