Yay for bloggingness...
took the puppy his second walk ever.
first time we made it from our house at the end of the court... to the corner.
this time we made it past the corner... and halfway to the next.
its exciting watching him learn new things.
he lost another tooth today... except... this one was weird...
I've never seen it happen before...
it was loose as all hell... and wiggly galore...
the new tooth was starting to come in ... and the old one just didn't want to give...
it started to turn black when Brett decided it was time to interferer with nature.
he tried to pull it out... but... the puppy's mouth is too small for his manly fingers.
we decided to give it one more day...
and then... after we came home from work today...
the tooth was still in there... and getting blacker...
so... I gave him his favorite treat (Ice Cubes*)
and then Brett grabbed a pair of pliers... reached in...
and pulled that sucker out.
not a squeak .... not a protest...
and the aftermath was Brock licking both of us and wagging his tail...
followed by more ice cubes and the fore mentioned walk.
I think I was more stressed about the situation then he was...
but... in retrospect... it probably felt good finally getting that painful nuisance outta there...
Now I'm off to get pretty for drinks in Berkeley.
Its my friend Brandon's 25th birthday today.
lucky bastardo!
* Ice Cubes:
who knew... but they really are Brock's favorite treat....wait... I'm going to recant without taking the time to delete & re-type... they are his Second favorite treat (after pig ears)....
but yeah... he will turn down milk bones for ice cubes.
attached for your viewing pleasure... are some pictures of the little prince...
and some of my cat Gia.
Brock at 2 months old
Brock & Gia (my favorite picture)
its tough being a puppy (3 months)
"I can sit" (3 months)
took the puppy his second walk ever.
first time we made it from our house at the end of the court... to the corner.
this time we made it past the corner... and halfway to the next.
its exciting watching him learn new things.
he lost another tooth today... except... this one was weird...
I've never seen it happen before...
it was loose as all hell... and wiggly galore...
the new tooth was starting to come in ... and the old one just didn't want to give...
it started to turn black when Brett decided it was time to interferer with nature.
he tried to pull it out... but... the puppy's mouth is too small for his manly fingers.
we decided to give it one more day...
and then... after we came home from work today...
the tooth was still in there... and getting blacker...
so... I gave him his favorite treat (Ice Cubes*)
and then Brett grabbed a pair of pliers... reached in...
and pulled that sucker out.
not a squeak .... not a protest...
and the aftermath was Brock licking both of us and wagging his tail...
followed by more ice cubes and the fore mentioned walk.
I think I was more stressed about the situation then he was...
but... in retrospect... it probably felt good finally getting that painful nuisance outta there...
Now I'm off to get pretty for drinks in Berkeley.
Its my friend Brandon's 25th birthday today.
lucky bastardo!
* Ice Cubes:
who knew... but they really are Brock's favorite treat....wait... I'm going to recant without taking the time to delete & re-type... they are his Second favorite treat (after pig ears)....
but yeah... he will turn down milk bones for ice cubes.
attached for your viewing pleasure... are some pictures of the little prince...
and some of my cat Gia.
Brock at 2 months old

Brock & Gia (my favorite picture)

its tough being a puppy (3 months)

"I can sit" (3 months)