So I was gonna update my journal and I thought I could just delete messages sent and keep the original entry but I think a nasty message is sent when you do that. If so, I'm so sorry. Especially you SarahJane cause I know I hit delete on your message.
Forgive me.
But anyway, today was a good day and I'm glad to be home from work. Hopefully I will sleep well tonight cause lately I've been watching way too much TV and staying up way too late. Last night Fast Times at Ridgemont High was on so I had to watch it. I remember when it came out.....holy shit....I'm getting older. Oh well, can't stop it so I might as well enjoy it. Cya later SG world

But anyway, today was a good day and I'm glad to be home from work. Hopefully I will sleep well tonight cause lately I've been watching way too much TV and staying up way too late. Last night Fast Times at Ridgemont High was on so I had to watch it. I remember when it came out.....holy shit....I'm getting older. Oh well, can't stop it so I might as well enjoy it. Cya later SG world