My friend has a hot young daughter. She and I get along great and her mother is always saying how when she gets older she wants me to marry her daughter. Her daughter tells me she loves me and that I'm such a cool dork that will never grow up. Don't worry, I know my place. But she really is incredibly hot. She has a friend that is equally as hot and we have really good conversations about everything; no inhabitions in conversing. They ask me out to concerts and I got them drunk on wine once and we have a great time......but, I know I should be cool. Do I avoid them until they are 18?( they are 16 now). Why didn't I meet girls like this when I was 16. It really is a funny situation and of course I'm flattered by all the attention but fuck, why did they have to be so hot. Whats an old dude to do........
My friend has a hot young daughter. She and I get along great and her mother is always saying how when she gets older she wants me to marry her daughter. Her daughter tells me she loves me and that I'm such a cool dork that will never grow up. Don't worry, I know my place. But she really is incredibly hot. She has a friend that is equally as hot and we have really good conversations about everything; no inhabitions in conversing. They ask me out to concerts and I got them drunk on wine once and we have a great time......but, I know I should be cool. Do I avoid them until they are 18?( they are 16 now). Why didn't I meet girls like this when I was 16. It really is a funny situation and of course I'm flattered by all the attention but fuck, why did they have to be so hot. Whats an old dude to do........

ya know?