Aaaahhhhhhh........What a LOVELY day!.......think I' some beans.
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Wednesday Aug 27, 2003
HAWAII: It's a great place to visit, but you NEVER want to live ther… -
Wednesday Aug 20, 2003
I saw one of my faaaaaavorite S.G. Girls yesterday! She was SUPER ni… -
Sunday Aug 17, 2003
Well, it's been LOVELY chatting with myself! Aloha! T -
Thursday Aug 07, 2003
Aaaahhhhhhh........What a LOVELY day!.......think I' some … -
Sunday Jul 20, 2003
I have decided to take the advice of a few good people, and end my ca… -
Saturday Jul 05, 2003
Am I cool yet? -
Saturday Jul 05, 2003
Am I cool yet? -
Monday Jun 23, 2003
Question Du Jour: Is Eatin' cheatin'? :kiss -
Tuesday Jun 17, 2003
Being married does NOT mean being DEAD. To Erin and I, being married… -
Saturday Jun 14, 2003
Some lady grabbed my Junk at work, yesterday! I couldn't believe …
that second post to brian was big of you , i did'nt mean to jump down your throat, that was'nt my intention.I just feel that these guys didn't sign up to fight an unjust war, and its not as if they can pick and choose once they are in.
Peace and respect, enjoy your beans.
I see your point , and I have the same attitude with traffic wardens, but in many cases these guys go into the army with good intentions, not to bully nations for oil.
Me, id never go near the army because i just would have a problem with killing people full stop. Then you think what would we have done without an army in world war one or two, we could all be blonde, speaking german and driving better cars.
I saw a british report (believe me from experience they are a little more balanced over here) on some of the pilots going out to targets in Iraq. These guys felt regret every time they went out , not 'gung ho' at all, but you cant just say no and walk out like working for Mc Donald's or something .I think Americans get a little over exited because they've no experience , we fight wars all year round in Ireland.
Any way its just my opinion and everyone's entitled to there own,.
By the way its a 'Kelpy' a mythical Scottish monster they say lives in Loch Ness. And no its only a select few who have them.