Just picked up a SWEET sack o' Sensimilla, and it's raining today. So, no surf today. Besides, it's flat as Hell out there. It's hard to believe that what in summer-time looks like a giant swimming pool, is a mass of 50 foot monstrosities in the winter.
Anyway, looks like today I'm couch bound. I rented Old School, and About Shmidt, got da Herb, got...
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I wonder if it ever occurs to these DRONES that have invaded my planet that "Having a hockey team" of children isn't the greatest idea. When these same fuckin' IDIOTS are complaining about traffic, over crowdedness, pollution, etc.
THAT is YOUR cute little "Hockey Team", ya dumb bastages!
I think we should propose a "One Child Per Family" law. Also, I think we should offer...
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Hawaii: It's a beautiful place to visit, but you DON'T wanna live here. skull
Well, another day in Paradise.
Today, I surf, go to work, make money, go home, go surf, go home, make dinner, crash out.
Pretty much like EVERY other day.
So, WHY do I love my life so much? Most other people would consider that a VERY boring life. I love it! As long as there's a beach with clean water, lots o' sun, and not...
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HEY! y'know, when I read these things, the last thing I want is to hear about some guy in freakin' HAWAII...I mean dude, do you have to rub it in so hard?

*shuffles off to pout in the corner*

*reluctanly comes back*

okay, I'm less bitter now, but no less jealous!

hang ten for me
are you a native hawaiiian?or did you move there?
is it super expensive?/ I am super curious about hawaii, really.
I'm new here. Somebody TALK to me! whatever
hi and welcome.

i'll be your friend 'cause we;re both piercers and have dreads. (am i shallow or what?)

why do so many body piercers have dreadlocks anyway? is it because we can look funny and still find a job? or are we just innately creative?