This might become a new blog that I do regularly, since there are so many sets I wanna shout out, and doing several at a time will allow me to get more out there for people to see. I used to have a blog series like this, where I featured just one set, but I felt like I repeated myself a lot in them haha. I'm not too great with words here, so maybe less words and more sets to feature will be easier for me.
So here are some recent sets that I think more people should see:
@ametrina in After School shot by @jvelasquez
@yumeko in Jump Up Super Star shot by @cersei
@samihain in Virago shot by @cygnet
@amoxi in Citrine shot by Haley Eaglestar.
@cherryany in Coffee and Cake shot by @arthemis
@sacmis_ in Epifania shot by @bretema
@elune in Subdued by Passion shot by @natalia_randle
And last, but certainly not least, @flareon @turmalina @meixime and @juliju in We are the Weirdos shot by @kramarenko
Again, I think I'll start doing blogs like this more often, because there are lots of sets here that deserve more love than they get.
Thanks for checking this out if you did, and go check out all of these sets if you haven't already!