I've been trying my best to keep myself caught up with member review here, but I'm falling a little behind. I swear I have a good reason though haha.
Lately I've been focusing more on my own health. Nothing has happened to spark such a thing, I'm just not getting any younger, and I feel like it's probably a good idea. I've found some great follow along exercise videos on YouTube, and I've been sticking to those because they're kicking my ass, in the best possible way haha. I'm on 32 days in a row now of closing all the rings on my Apple Watch (no big feat, but I'm starting small!) I'm no Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I never will be, but I'm feeling pretty good about how well I've been keeping up with it for the past month.
Being that I'm still new to this whole exercise thing, I'm open to any tips or advice anyone here might have.
Thanks for reading, if ya did!