The lovely @chroi nominated me to do this, so here I am!
1) Tell us a joke.
Can you toast toilet paper?
No, but you can brown it on one side.
Now that we broke the ice, let's get to know you for round two in the questionnaire craze. (If you haven't taken the first one by now you can easily find it on many model and member pages or ask xHeartSwornx politely.)
2) Fur babies or human babies? Tell us a little about all the children that drive your crazy or fill your arms with love. (Including any with scales, feathers, or more than 4 limbs/legs)
I enjoy them both but I've only ever had pets. I don't have any currently but I want a dog badly. I'd like to have human babies one day as well.
3) You have many secret and not-so-secret admirers as a member/hopeful/photographer/SG in this community, but do you have any secret crushes that tickle your heart? [No names, this is about secret crushes!]
I'm crushing on so many beautiful ladies around here, but crush is sort of a vague term. But yeah, I guess there's one that I'm a little more fond of than some others.
4) What is your favorite hairstyle/color that you have had so far? Worst hairstyle? [If you have any photos feel free to share.]
I'd have to say the style I have now is probably my favorite, when it's freshly cut. I like it just about as short as it can get before I'm completely bald. I grew up in the 90's so my childhood was chock full of bad haircuts...
5) I'm standing outside your window with a radio above my head right now just like John Cusack in "Say Anything". What song would I be playing to win your heart?
This is a tough one! Play a pop punk song or a hardcore song and I'll climb out my window so we can mosh in the front yard š¤
6) Favorite decade of fashion that you would love to follow if the styles were readily available at all the local shops?
50's greaser style for sure.
7) One magical concert ticket landed in your hands. It grants the holder the ability to see any band (and openers) at any venue across time. Which band/tour would you choose to see? When and where did this legendary concert take place?
Metallica with Cliff Burton AND Jason Newsted, the original Lynyrd Skynyrd lineup, Stevie Ray Vaughn, a ton of those old artists who are either dead or just too old to tour. And probably a bunch of newer bands I like too haha.
8) Name one talent that you do not have and wish you did?
I wish I was a really good singer. Or that I could play the piano.
9) Shootfest question: Name one very memorable event/talent/conversation that changed the world as you know it and who is to praise/blame for your new addiction, train of thought, or newfound skill? (Models/photographers only.)
Next question!
10) Theoretically, SG is offering up an all expenses paid SG tour in LA that includes a non-romantic "date" with your chosen photographer to interview, hang out with at the beach, and attend an exclusive shoot featuring them. Who would it be? (Members only, hopefuls can answer, too)
I'd have to say either @sobelle or @caustix so I could pick their brains and get tips for making my photography and editing as incredible as theirs.
11) Favorite tea, coffee, beer, and/or wine?
Of all these things, I think I drink beer the most often... The Denver Beer Co's Graham Cracker Porter and "Princess Yum Yum" are two that I really enjoy.
12) Cuddles: strictly for lovers or are close friends an option?
Anyone can cuddle. Cuddles are the best.
13) Most ticklish spot we should avoid when offering a massage?
All of me. I'll never get a massage for that very reason.
14) Reveal something nerdy. It could be current gaming PC specs, your favorite guitar/amp setup, something about your most used camera. Blow our minds with the technical specifications in regards to a talent or hobby you excel at. Favorite spay paints for graffiti or a semi-secret recipe that wins friend's hearts. Give us the nerdy low down from an expert so we can Google and understand it!
This is a tough one too. I don't consider myself an expert at anything. I'm always trying to learn new things and probably too many at a time if I'm honest. I know a ton of shit about my dumb warehouse job if that counts, but I won't bore you with that haha.
15) Recently, there was a homework assignment asking about a favorite compliment given or received. Take a moment to give a compliment to someone of your choice through DM, Whatsapp, post on their page, or any other method that is not directly public through this question. [This is meant to be between friends or someone that touched you emotionally recently.]
I'll do it when I finish this!
16) Today sucked. You just want to sit at home alone with a pizza, beer (or your choice of beverage), and Netflix to de-stress. What toppings do you choose on the pizza and what movies/shows will you binge?
Gotta have BBQ chicken pizza and I'd binge The Fifth Element and then probably Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End.
17) What "old" song do you still love today that remains relevant to your life? [It could be as simple as Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" or something more politically charged like Dead Kennedy's "Police Truck". All genres and decades open.]
"Rosanna" by Toto - I've named 2 of my cars after that song š
18) Recommend one book (and the author) that changed your life. [This is for any avid readers that want to expand their minds]
I hardly ever read... (a million gasps) But a book I did read that I enjoyed was The Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixx. Crazy shit.
19) You're driving far away from home to get away on holiday, but you become lost. Google maps doesn't work. There are no phone signals. You'll probably be lucky and find your way on track soon, but who would you want riding co-pilot to maintain your sanity and cheer you up while traveling these seemingly endless roads?
Maybe an old friend from back in the day. Or maybe even a new friend!
20) Let's end this with something simple. Name one thing you collect.
Band flags.
Finally, name FIVE people that should take this questionnaire.
I'm sure a ton of people have done it by now, so anyone who hasn't done it yet, if you've seen this, do yours and tag me!
Thanks for reading! <3
Thanks for reading @edmea ā¤
And @dutch here's part 2. Consider this a formal nomination š