Ok, so I'm packing to head off to Peru. I'm nervous/ very excited. There are so many fun things that I am looking forward to doing down there... whitewater rafting, horseback riding, y muy mas!
When I get back though, it's going to be balls to the wall busy because I have so much to do, and so little time to do it. Plus, I...
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When I get back though, it's going to be balls to the wall busy because I have so much to do, and so little time to do it. Plus, I...
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So I cannot get this smile off my face! It's only 8 days until I'm heading to Peru. I cannot wait, and I'm so excited. Even work goes that much easier when you have something to look forward to.
Not only do I have that to look forward to, but this weekend will be awesome also. Thursday, I'm going to go out with a friend...
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Not only do I have that to look forward to, but this weekend will be awesome also. Thursday, I'm going to go out with a friend...
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your always soooo sweet! thanx a lot for your words, i have a bit of sun in my days now...
eyyy...Congrats for your trip!!!! pasa muy rico en Peru, besos!!!
eyyy...Congrats for your trip!!!! pasa muy rico en Peru, besos!!!

So it's kind of a crazy week so far! Went to see Richard Cheese last night... pure awesomeness! The guy went on for over a couple of hours, and then at the end of the show they gave everyone a free cd!
I almost didn't go. I couldn't get anyone to go with me. I was having a few drinks with some co-workers when Troy...
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I almost didn't go. I couldn't get anyone to go with me. I was having a few drinks with some co-workers when Troy...
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So I'm getting muy emocionado about going to Peru! It's only about 3 weeks away, and I'll be there 11 whole days! It's kind of the bright light at the end of the tunnel. I got blindsided by work this week, and it looks like I'll be putting in 12+ hour days this week! Fun times.
One encouraging thing for me is my spanish is...
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One encouraging thing for me is my spanish is...
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a little pactice for you..."muchas gracias, eres muy amable por tus palabras" 

awww gracias, muchas sonrisas para tus dias

Alright, so I haven't posted in a while. I had these grandiose plans for going to surprise party in Dallas, then going to visit a couple of my old fraternity brothers. Oh, and by the way, my dad was back in town, and I haven't seen him in several months. Then Tuesday happened.
I broke my molar (one of my wisdom teeth) chewing ice. It...
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I broke my molar (one of my wisdom teeth) chewing ice. It...
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...sorry about your molar...
i just wanna say you:Thanx, for the love in my set, i really appreciate it

i just wanna say you:Thanx, for the love in my set, i really appreciate it

thank you so much!!!! finish my race was AMAZING!!!! 

OK so I'm off to Funky Town (Fort Worth for those of y'all not cool enough to know where Funky Town is) this weekend for camping and paintball. It's going to be a blast! I haven't been camping in ages! It'll be good to see some of my old high school buddies.
The bad part about going to Fort Worth is I also have to...
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The bad part about going to Fort Worth is I also have to...
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So I had a great time in Dallas for my birthday. We went out to the ranch to shoot guns and drink beer! Everyone needs to have a redneck weekend every once in a while. Then we went out to Campisi's and the Rose. It was such a blast to see everyone. Can't wait to see them again!
So it was a fuckin' wierd day. My company laid some people off today. It's first time I've ever been through layoffs. The guy in the office next to where I was sitting got a phone call, and he's like, "Well, I'm got called upstairs. Nice knowing you guys." Ten minutes later, he was escorted back down, and then he said goodbye and was gone....
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Happy Birthday
So I've been feeling lately that I haven't been cultural enough. I used to go to plays or the symphony or something all the time. I loved it. Then life got in the way for a while, and I let it go. Lately, I've been missing it. So for new years, I told myself that I would be more cultural, expand my horizons a little...
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you know you can always do lots of masturbation lots and lots of masturbation or just a bottle of crown either of those have always worked for me
and snakes are just in the jungle jejeje