I get my own intenet back on Monday! Yay! That means I can hang out here more. 
My set isn't doing as well as I'd hoped, and the running theory is that it's just "another bed set" (as it was tagged). As I've mentioned, I had another plan for my shoot with Lorelei, but when things happen, plans have to change. I really did consider not shooting at all since I didn't want to do a bed set, but I also didn't want to miss my chance to shoot with Lorelei. Obviously I decided to shoot anyway, and now the numbers are suffering for it. This one won't be the one that makes me Pink, but hopefully the people who count can see that I'm a good model and just need a better location / theme. And the important thing is that we did what we could with only a few hours' notice and the resources available. Learning experience and all that.
In other news, I'm looking for a new job. I still have one, but I've officially resigned my current position because school starts in January (Cosmetology school for anyone that missed it before) and my boss is a complete and utter mean-spirited dickhead. Not sure what I'm gonna do, but I need something that pays well, for my regular bills and for the school supplies that I need to buy before financial aid kicks in. That's my main concern, because somehow I have to come up with like $1500 and that's not even counting tuition.
Oh also I have 105 friend requests as of this moment, so I'm going to accept them all. Hopefully all the newbies read this and leave some sort of comment or let me know they exist otherwise, so they don't get deleted next time I clean out my friends list. Hint, hint....
Obligatory link to set:
Go leave a comment. And thanks to all of you that already have. I love reading all the positive feedback. It makes this old girl's heart grow 3 sizes.

My set isn't doing as well as I'd hoped, and the running theory is that it's just "another bed set" (as it was tagged). As I've mentioned, I had another plan for my shoot with Lorelei, but when things happen, plans have to change. I really did consider not shooting at all since I didn't want to do a bed set, but I also didn't want to miss my chance to shoot with Lorelei. Obviously I decided to shoot anyway, and now the numbers are suffering for it. This one won't be the one that makes me Pink, but hopefully the people who count can see that I'm a good model and just need a better location / theme. And the important thing is that we did what we could with only a few hours' notice and the resources available. Learning experience and all that.

In other news, I'm looking for a new job. I still have one, but I've officially resigned my current position because school starts in January (Cosmetology school for anyone that missed it before) and my boss is a complete and utter mean-spirited dickhead. Not sure what I'm gonna do, but I need something that pays well, for my regular bills and for the school supplies that I need to buy before financial aid kicks in. That's my main concern, because somehow I have to come up with like $1500 and that's not even counting tuition.

Oh also I have 105 friend requests as of this moment, so I'm going to accept them all. Hopefully all the newbies read this and leave some sort of comment or let me know they exist otherwise, so they don't get deleted next time I clean out my friends list. Hint, hint....
Obligatory link to set:

Go leave a comment. And thanks to all of you that already have. I love reading all the positive feedback. It makes this old girl's heart grow 3 sizes.

I'll keep that in mind.