Had been working the the screen printing equipment the last couple of weeks for an order of aprons for my mother's gourding group (don't laugh they exist, in fact she's been published three times for her work). Made a few dozen aprons with and messed with different emulsion papers and squeegees to get things right. For got how much I totally fucking enjoy doing that.
Kind of. One of the emulsions was utter crap and would only last about three inkings. But other than that, it was damn awesome. So I was looking around online at how to make other designs and found some pictures (actual pictures not outlined like I'd need, it is not a professional machine nor I a professional screenprinter ). So that made me sad. But a little retooling and voila, AWESOMENESS!. Might try to figure out some other pictures to use.
One Sheri Moon Zombie/Rob Zombie piece of art, an afternoon of messing around on the computer and a $3 Walmart tanktop later and here we go! Little higher on the neck line than I would've wanted but, yay!


Kind of. One of the emulsions was utter crap and would only last about three inkings. But other than that, it was damn awesome. So I was looking around online at how to make other designs and found some pictures (actual pictures not outlined like I'd need, it is not a professional machine nor I a professional screenprinter ). So that made me sad. But a little retooling and voila, AWESOMENESS!. Might try to figure out some other pictures to use.
One Sheri Moon Zombie/Rob Zombie piece of art, an afternoon of messing around on the computer and a $3 Walmart tanktop later and here we go! Little higher on the neck line than I would've wanted but, yay!
