2 Months until Phoenix Comicon?
I don't know what the fuck to cosplay as.
Been freaked out and recuperating and training for Warrior Dash these last couple of weeks (which I will no longer be attending) that I totally forgot to work on a costume.
Being bald helps cuz if need be I can wear a wig. But I love my Goat, don't want to shave it off for a character. DAMMIT.
Will probably do zombie walk so some sort of zombie for one day? Mayhaps a Hunter from L4D? That could be pretty easy and fun. Screeeeee!
Should work on a steampunk outfit. BUT WHAT KIND? (like a sir)
Oh, and it looks like they will have tonnes of 18+ shit to do (not just hentai (tho still excited about that)) including a Burlesque show! So fucking psyched!
If anyone actually reads this
Please help out a nerd who needs cosplay ideas.
2 Months until Phoenix Comicon?
I don't know what the fuck to cosplay as.
Been freaked out and recuperating and training for Warrior Dash these last couple of weeks (which I will no longer be attending) that I totally forgot to work on a costume.
Being bald helps cuz if need be I can wear a wig. But I love my Goat, don't want to shave it off for a character. DAMMIT.
Will probably do zombie walk so some sort of zombie for one day? Mayhaps a Hunter from L4D? That could be pretty easy and fun. Screeeeee!
Should work on a steampunk outfit. BUT WHAT KIND? (like a sir)
Oh, and it looks like they will have tonnes of 18+ shit to do (not just hentai (tho still excited about that)) including a Burlesque show! So fucking psyched!
If anyone actually reads this
