And so it begins.
Happy 2012 to you and yours!
And such...
It was actually a good couple o' days these last days of 2011 and first days of 2012.
Spent 31st with a day off of work. Spent the day at Fashion Square giving gifts to the wife's ex-coworkers. (she is once again jobless, d'oh!) and walking around looking at the people with money. I found myself in the food court with an Urban Outfitters bag and a cup of Starbucks. I kind of hated myself at that moment. But all i got was a clearanced ceramic ash tray in the shape of a Boston Terrier head. How the fuck could I resist. And the Starbucks was a seasonal drink (one of the only coffee based ones I can stand.)
The night turned to not going out. We were thinking of going to see our friend in Tempe like we did last year and go to a strip club. Damn that was a good time. I wore a top hat. But that shit costs money and time and gas. And we didn't have much of any of that. So we stayed home watched MST3K the movie with B&J Fuzzy Navel. It has become a ritual for us. People hate watching it with us because we know the entire thing by heart. Then we shifted gears and read Trivial Pursuit questions to each other while watching Behind the Green Door. That is an odd film. I know it gets a lot of thumbs up from people. But that...was odd. We toasted our Sam Adams Infinium. Their Champagne beer made with Weihenstephan. It was OK. I was pretty blitzed by then from the B&J and Mike's Harder Peach Punch so it was just beer that was lighter or something. I think I liked it. And poor Dick Clark looked orange. I don't think he'll make it to next year. And hey, if the Mayans were right, then he's made it to all the Rockin' New Years!
Then sleep. Wake up. Puke. Sleep again. Wake up again. Eat stale donuts we got the day before just for this.
Then we stayed in bed the entire morning through afternoon. Watched 200 Cigarettes and the entire first season of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. All of it. It was a glorious day. Met up with friends in the evening and had homemade pizza and played Cards Against Humanity.
If nobody knows what that is, its slogan is "The Party Game for Horrible People." Pretty much a mature version of Apples to Apples.
I tried to steer us away from that game because we had the nice newlywed Mormons with us. But the other game available was too complicated for the state others were in and the rest of us had a damn awesome time playing it on boxing day (oh yeah we celebrated boxing day with a Nerdy Desert-y party. Watching Dr. Who Christmas and Nerdist End of the Year episodes. It was magical). Anyway. We played though the entire deck. And let me tell you how much fun it is to make the bride, who we don't really know, say things like "pulling out" (I won with this one for Michael Jackson's last thoughts) and "a sad handjob" and "Man Meat" and you get the idea. Honestly a blast was had by all. I wasn't sure that was going to be the final result. I think we're still on speaking terms.
My main resolutions are:
1. Save Fucking Money.
2. Pay off half of the damn credit card debt (this will help number 1)
3. Lose 25 lbs in the first 6 months. try for 50 for the whole year.
4. Have sex more than once every 3 months or so (have to get the wife to agree to this one)
5. Regain my memory. (do crossword puzzles everyday and learn one monologue a month)
6. Complete the Warrior Dash in April
7. Don't let the Republican Party let a complete asshat win the primary.
that's good for right now.
Happy 2012 to you and yours!
And such...
It was actually a good couple o' days these last days of 2011 and first days of 2012.
Spent 31st with a day off of work. Spent the day at Fashion Square giving gifts to the wife's ex-coworkers. (she is once again jobless, d'oh!) and walking around looking at the people with money. I found myself in the food court with an Urban Outfitters bag and a cup of Starbucks. I kind of hated myself at that moment. But all i got was a clearanced ceramic ash tray in the shape of a Boston Terrier head. How the fuck could I resist. And the Starbucks was a seasonal drink (one of the only coffee based ones I can stand.)
The night turned to not going out. We were thinking of going to see our friend in Tempe like we did last year and go to a strip club. Damn that was a good time. I wore a top hat. But that shit costs money and time and gas. And we didn't have much of any of that. So we stayed home watched MST3K the movie with B&J Fuzzy Navel. It has become a ritual for us. People hate watching it with us because we know the entire thing by heart. Then we shifted gears and read Trivial Pursuit questions to each other while watching Behind the Green Door. That is an odd film. I know it gets a lot of thumbs up from people. But that...was odd. We toasted our Sam Adams Infinium. Their Champagne beer made with Weihenstephan. It was OK. I was pretty blitzed by then from the B&J and Mike's Harder Peach Punch so it was just beer that was lighter or something. I think I liked it. And poor Dick Clark looked orange. I don't think he'll make it to next year. And hey, if the Mayans were right, then he's made it to all the Rockin' New Years!
Then sleep. Wake up. Puke. Sleep again. Wake up again. Eat stale donuts we got the day before just for this.
Then we stayed in bed the entire morning through afternoon. Watched 200 Cigarettes and the entire first season of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. All of it. It was a glorious day. Met up with friends in the evening and had homemade pizza and played Cards Against Humanity.
If nobody knows what that is, its slogan is "The Party Game for Horrible People." Pretty much a mature version of Apples to Apples.
I tried to steer us away from that game because we had the nice newlywed Mormons with us. But the other game available was too complicated for the state others were in and the rest of us had a damn awesome time playing it on boxing day (oh yeah we celebrated boxing day with a Nerdy Desert-y party. Watching Dr. Who Christmas and Nerdist End of the Year episodes. It was magical). Anyway. We played though the entire deck. And let me tell you how much fun it is to make the bride, who we don't really know, say things like "pulling out" (I won with this one for Michael Jackson's last thoughts) and "a sad handjob" and "Man Meat" and you get the idea. Honestly a blast was had by all. I wasn't sure that was going to be the final result. I think we're still on speaking terms.
My main resolutions are:
1. Save Fucking Money.
2. Pay off half of the damn credit card debt (this will help number 1)
3. Lose 25 lbs in the first 6 months. try for 50 for the whole year.
4. Have sex more than once every 3 months or so (have to get the wife to agree to this one)
5. Regain my memory. (do crossword puzzles everyday and learn one monologue a month)
6. Complete the Warrior Dash in April
7. Don't let the Republican Party let a complete asshat win the primary.
that's good for right now.
Happy New Years to you too!