So for the last month or so I've been dealing with some sort of allergy attack. I went into a minute clinic to deal with a sore throat (turns out it was post nasal drip and back up ears, yuck) and so I was put on flonase. I took it, seemed to work a little. But I started getting little itchy red spots on the...
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"I used to long for broken bones, I used to long for a casket to call my own" - Alkaline Trio, Mercy Me
Some are damned good things, some are fuckin' bad things...
Some are just things that make you fuckin' move through the cosmos...
I hit my 2016 weight January. Hey, fuck it, any progress is good progress. Clothes fit better, I can do more. Most importantly, my kilt fits again. So that's nice. Been training for a couple of mud runs coming up. Big thing...
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So, I'm back. Kinda... After 3 years away, I get another one of those emails stating the for the low, low price of blah, blah, blah...
So here I am. Again. Didn't speak with y'all much before, doubt I'll speak with any of you's, much now...That's just how I am.
Anyway. Been busy doing art for the last three years. Got to meet some cool...
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Ok...this new format is freaking me out...
And now I'm back.
Or something
I dunno.

Its been too long.
Phoenix Comicon is right around the corner. Most cosplaying is ready to go, tho The Wife is still frantically sewing ivy onto her suit and painting shoes/gloves red. She has some awesome costumes getting ready to go. I'm just freaking out that I have so many props that I don't know how they're going to be transported.
Also freaking out...
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The fun i had in my 20`s is less than a fourth of what ive had in my 30`s. It can be a really fun and enjoyable time in your life and im sure you will be fine
