Need to post more as always. Went to Anime Expo and Comic Con last month and had fun. My birthday's this week. The usual ups and downs, trying to stay more up than down.
You are welcome! XOXOXO Hope it was a good one.
Kona Grill is pretty good. They have a variety of sushi food and a bar. I had sweet and spicey shrimp appetizer and goddamn that stuff had a bite. But it was sooo yummy!
Sick all of last week, turned out to be a touch of bronchitis. Everyone around me nagged me to get it checked out and I finally listed, then got some antibiotics at the urgent care place, which helped a great deal.

Someone felt the need to scream at me as they drove by while I was riding my bike, as well as tossing their drink...
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I hope you feel better!

People are jerks which is why I naturally hate everyone tongue
Antibiotics helped the bronchitis... for about a week. While at Anime Expo, I started feeling sick again in exactly the same way... just the thing when working a dealer's booth. Got through it OK (and got some neat swag and cosplay pictures). Called my real doctor, who could fit me in in three weeks, after I was due back from the Comic-Con. Another was available sooner, thankfully.
I was at the bus stop with my bike, waiting for the next bus. As happens from time to time, a lowlife will compliment me on my bike, then ask to buy it/if I want to sell it. I mean, what? "Sure, give me $20" is what they expect?

This particular bit of scum (who was using "urban" slang despite being as white as snow),...
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wow that sucks. Here in memphis no one would ask for you rbike lol. theyd just stab you take it and leave you bleeding on the side of the street. I live in such a lovley city.
I got the word that Gary Gygax had passed away today and it hurt. I started RPGs with the old, Erol Otus red box basic D&D set. As a classic, shy geeky person, it opened up new worlds for me in more ways than one. A huge number of my friends have also been roleplayers and I met them through gaming. I've spent countless hours...
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Ah, Valentine's Day approaches, a holiday that rubs my face in my total lack of a girlfriend, just as it does every year. It makes it hard to go shopping without getting at least a little down.
Thank you.
So, i've finally changed my ID! It's more geeky and less painful than before! What does it mean that I've taken the name of an inadequate cartoon scientist?! Beats me!
Happy New Year! I spent it at a party as wild as every year... at home, in front of my computer, reading message boards. This wild life will surely be the death of me! Now to make new resolutions! Or the same as always... like getting more female companionship this year! Anything has to be an improvement over the current level of null!
December already?! August really dragged, but after that, the year flew by!
Need to blog more. College football is interfering with my Saturday commute, hordes of bad drivers and pedestrians all decked out in matching shirts to show their "spirit." Lots of drunken hitting on women passersby too, from what I saw at the bus stop. I find that last INCREDIBLY distasteful, but what can you do?
Another year older and at the same level of debt. Lots of little things went wrong. Got my first negative feedback on my eBay account, from a customer who was unclear on the concept. An item didn't live up to the picture he had in his head, and he said that in the negative! Without talking to me at all.

I went to a Mechwarrior...
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I think you can respond to feedback- definitely worth doing in this case as a lot of people will take whatever the feedback says at face value and it can damage your ebay "reputation"!