Random harrassment by people in the street has me down again, or more like furious and driven to the edge of violence. Why should I be singled out for laughter, insults and derision from perfect strangers in cars or on foot? Because I'm riding a bike? Because I'm wearing shorts when it's 85 degrees out? This is the one thing that makes me completely furious. My immediate urge is to retaliate, to hurl insults back... one time, I was followed and had a fork thrown at me, tearing open my elbow. So I just have to bite back my really strong, heart-pounding, headache-inducing fury. Which feels very unhealthy.
More Blogs
Thursday Aug 28, 2008
Need to post more as always. Went to Anime Expo and Comic Con last m… -
Wednesday Jun 18, 2008
Sick all of last week, turned out to be a touch of bronchitis. Every… -
Saturday Apr 26, 2008
I was at the bus stop with my bike, waiting for the next bus. As hap… -
Tuesday Mar 04, 2008
I got the word that Gary Gygax had passed away today and it hurt. I … -
Wednesday Feb 13, 2008
Ah, Valentine's Day approaches, a holiday that rubs my face in my tot… -
Saturday Feb 02, 2008
So, i've finally changed my ID! It's more geeky and less painful tha… -
Monday Dec 31, 2007
Happy New Year! I spent it at a party as wild as every year... at ho… -
Wednesday Dec 12, 2007
December already?! August really dragged, but after that, the year f… -
Sunday Oct 14, 2007
Need to blog more. College football is interfering with my Saturday … -
Friday Aug 31, 2007
Another year older and at the same level of debt. Lots of little thi…
I said, "You'd look a lot prettier if you were twenty years younger and twenty pounds lighter, you old crow, but I don't think that's an acceptable thing to say to somebody on the bus."
Basically, have some quick remark ready, and take up a martial art, it really lets you blow off steam.
I've mused about doing a martial art again...I took a few karate classes at the community college. Should find something different though. Hmmm, where to start?