No update in ages... No wonder I've never been into blogging.

I had an odd experience the other day... While heading to work, I got really horny and felt the urge to masturbate, a very strong urge to just go into a field across from where I was and strip and sate my urges... I knew it was crazy and I had to hold my...
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By popular demand, I am overcoming the strong force in the universe (the slack force) and updating my journal!

Lets see... I should get new glasses and I definitely need new shoes. Im a conservative sort of fellow, but the basic sort of Nike sneaker I like, a simple nylon one, is no longer on the market, so I have to change, and change is...
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Well, it's Valentine's Day, never a happy holiday for me, due to my complete social ineptitude... never a sad one either, I guess, since I'm used to said ineptitiude. And isn't that much sadder? Plus other troubles had me late to work and late getting home. Bleh.
Hm, uh, thanks!
Hey Shavedmrd

What's up with the lack of journal entries? Come on man.
I went ahead and did something I've been thinking about for a long time... I put up a small set of photos of myself stripping out of my clothes in my folder and on the V&E group. It's a drop in the ocean among so many lovely naked people here, but a big step forward for me... I used to be very shy about nudity...
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I found myself ranting on the Plus-Sized Women group, having been upset at some of the comments the ladies made about how they feel about themselves, or about unkind words from others. I got on really on a passionate tear as I wrote, which is somewhat rare, so I decided to post it here too.

I do not enjoy looking at all the women who...
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xoxo youre so cute... i havent seen the rant over in psw, but thanks for this one.
I have three words:

right. fucking. ON.

Merry Christmas all! I had a happy holiday together with my parents and brothers. I gave and recieved many wonderful presents... Hmmm. I hope this isn't too sugary for a SG journal entry.

I did have some pre-holiday stress and wondering though. "I'm only OK... should I be happier?" sorts of things.
I finally was able to take a picture of myself that I liked to use here! But it's the wrong size to fit in my pic on the left... well, it's in my photo section! It was fun to do it... I'll have to do more, circumstances allowing. It took a lot of tries to get just one decent one (so to speak). My hat...
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hurray!! nakkie nakkie! kiss
I finally was able to take a picture of myself that I liked to use here! But it's the wrong size to fit in my pic on the left... well, it's in my photo section! It was fun to do it... I'll have to do more!
Happy Halloween, belatedly. As per my usual social ineptitude and isolation, I stayed home to give out candy. Good turnout though, about 80 kids. No exceptional costumes. My brother in CA saw someone dressed as Hobbes the tiger with a little stuffed Calvin though, which sounds cool.

Up next, election day! Do your civic duty and vote for the red guy, the blue guy, the...
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amen to that!
yeah, halloween sucked for me too.
happy belated by the way.
i'm so excited to vote. it'll be my first time!!! biggrin
i would kill to see that person in the hobbes costume. woulda been cuter w/ a kid dressed up as calvin though i think
A gal could get used to that sort of flattery smile thanks for the comment on my set
Hmmm, dating status on my profile. Interesting, and something that excites me, despite the unlikelyhood of actually finding anyone, and my many social drawbacks that get in the day of dating and other fun. Plus I can never sum up what I want or who I am very well, since I'm diverse and want to cover all the bases, yet am a perfectionist about it...
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I certainly suck at updating my journal here. I guess I'm not good at ranting or expressing my feelings, and a lot of day to day stuff seems too trivial for a hip group like this. I don't think anyone wants to hear about my Mechwarrior clickbase tournament results. Anyone else play it? smile

Saw Sky Captain today and liked it very much. Classic sci-fi look...
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thanks for the comment sweetie. you made my night with 5 mins to spare.

nikki starr kiss
yeah, i'm starting to really suck at updating too. it makes me sad - it's all my job's fault. now i'm happy if i find the time to log in and look at the girls - posting and commenting have become afterthoughts.

and i used to be the queen of the epic-length entry... whatever

looking forward to seeing the new ghost in the shell movie?
Back from the San Diego Comic Con, where I had a great time. I met friends from companies, who missed me the last few years I coudln't make it, and met completely at randomw, a friend I'd lost touch with some years back... he recognized my hat. I geeked out completely and no one noticed.

The coolest thing of many was the panel for the...
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Happy birthdya
Nah he won't get an attidute with me..im so sweet and loving he will only turn out to be the same.