Yesterday, I was reading Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver on the bus, and not one, but two people asked if I was reading Quicksilver and then commented they liked it, but hadn't been able to get through the whole cycle.

Usually, the only books I read on the bus that get attention are RPG rulebooks, due to their large covers and distinctive artwork. Odd.
I want to know how you like the book when you are done. wink
Off to Anime Expo to work at a booth for my job, which means seeing little of the con outside the dealer's room. Fun, but also a tease. Also a fair amount of getting depressed at all the people having more fun than I, and more lively lives.
Aww. you life caould never be unlively hangin with us In PSW wink
YOu should go on a date
I now have a bad haircut, or at least one I didn't ask for and didn't desire. My "style" is quite simple, asa you can see... I thought saying "cut it to about half the ear, and just above the eyebrows" would be clear enough, along with using my hands to measure. This is the way I've always had it cut, and there's not much...
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No one has commented on my daring new profile pic. My frail ego has been crushed. smile

It WOULD have been nice, of course. In talking with a friend, I recently realized that I have a big ego, that I want to be hailed as fantastic and incredible in all things. Combined with my usual perfectionism, it may be at the root of my low self-esteem....
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I did notice the newer pic, but didn't comment.

Most people have big egos. I am also somewhat of a perfectionist. It is one of the reasons I procrastinate. I figure whatever I do won't be satisfactory because it's not as "perfect" as I'd like it to be. It doesn't mean that I don't do things though. I just need a good reason to do things, outside of myself. Like, it'll be at an art show, or something like that. I am so damned lazy most of the time!!

So, did you enjoy the Ghostbusters' themed set? I see it's one of your favorites. wink
A non-unhappy journal for a change. Met an online friend I rarely get to see at a Mechwarrior tournament and had fun. A stressful week seems to be getting better.

I may be able to finally get a decenly proportioned pic in my profile!
when you figure it out, let me know. mine are alwats really pixalated. frown
I'm feeling very depressed now and I can't say why. Or explain why, rather.

Looking at my pic here doesn't help... aside from the way I look, I just couldnt' get it to edit to a non-distorted view.
My, I was stupid... a month or so ago I hit the limit on my credit card and when I came to SG, it wasn't working... I figured a payment had bounced and fretted while missing it... Yesterday I finally paid it down and came back... only to find it working! Whoops... should have checked more. It made me realize how much I like and...
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Happy birthday to me. Another year older and deeper in debt.

I had an interesting experience today... a bus friend I was talking with about tattoos asked me about Suicide Girls, and if it was worth joining. A tattoo artist she knows had pictures linked here, it seems. I told her yes, but that she might not get as much out of looking at nude...
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happy birthday handsome! wink
Happy B-day!!! Women are full of surprises... wink
Back from San Diego! Back into the mad Phoenix heat that has friends and relatives calling to see if I'm OK. It's not THAT bad, but it sure isn't fun. Praise air conditioning and sports drinks!

Met lots of con friends at SDCC as usual and bought stuff... mainly sketchbooks by artists I like and exotic porn, cartoon and live.
Thank you!! smile
Almost time for San Diego! My big trip for the year, a time geeking out like crazy! Is anyone else going?
WHY do people think it's amusing to scream out their windows at people on the street? This happens to me almost EVERY DAMN DAY, and I HATE IT. Riding my bike or waiting for a bus, some asshole things it's fun to lean out and scream "AAAAHHHHHH" or something. It's startling to me, since I'm usually reading a book or thinking, when I'm standing, or...
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I could never be a blogger... nothing interesting enough to mention online happens to me, and I'm bad at using this sort of forum to vent. When I feel sad, I keep it to myself, since telling people my problems just spreads them around. Better to keep it inside so only I am sad instead of others.
True, and I see your point. but sometimes just sharing with others can make you feel like less of a loser if only for a little while it still can help. And when other people are going through the same things you are you don't feel like such an outcast anymore. biggrin
True, and I see your point. but sometimes just sharing with others can make you feel like less of a loser if only for a little while it still can help. And when other people are going through the same things you are you don't feel like such an outcast anymore. biggrin