Happy birthday to me. 40, so midlife crisis time. No girlfriend, no real job, no direction in life, bad self-image and a tendency to wallow in self-pity.
It's been a rough few months. My father passed away. It was sudden and not painful for him. He'd had a stroke 14 years ago and I'd helped take care of him for all that time. Now I'm adrift personally and professionally. I need to find a new direction in life, which is difficult and scary.
Another year older, but at least no credit card debt!
Anime Expo coming up, then Comic-Con! Hooray!
Had my first ever hard drive death, slowly and painfully going out. I reinstalled the OS repeatedly only to have it fail at the last minute. I ran out and bought an external HD and was able to save all my data, with the computer freezing up and requiring a restart during the transfer more than once. Then off to the shop for most of...
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Heya Dr.Venture! Thanks so much for the comment on my set. It is greatly appreciated.
Went to get my mail from the community mailbox and found a twig had been broken off in the lock to my box... and all the others. I was able to wiggle it out without too much trouble, then spent about 10 minutes taking care of all the others. Hopefully it was punk kids, because they have the excuse of still-forming brains.
Ah, my life...
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Ah, my life...
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A bus driver gave me advice about romance today, out of the blue. He asked if I'd be reading a book on the bus (yes), asked if I had a girlfriend (no), and said I should talk to more people... which is true, I should, but still, kind of out there. Said driver was also overheard saying that he would go over to a female...
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Happy New Year everyone! Profound, isn't it?
Merry Christmas everyone! It's been a decent season, no depression. More later!
Still lonely and horny. Losing money when the post office regularly steals international packages from my eBay business. Customs forms must be like a shopping list to dishonest employees.
On the plus side, I've finally been able to make Japanese rice balls. Target had a small rice cooker on sale for just $13 and the local pan-Asian supermarket yielded the short grain rice.
On the plus side, I've finally been able to make Japanese rice balls. Target had a small rice cooker on sale for just $13 and the local pan-Asian supermarket yielded the short grain rice.
Need to post more as always. Went to Anime Expo and Comic Con last month and had fun. My birthday's this week. The usual ups and downs, trying to stay more up than down.
You are welcome! XOXOXO Hope it was a good one.
Kona Grill is pretty good. They have a variety of sushi food and a bar. I had sweet and spicey shrimp appetizer and goddamn that stuff had a bite. But it was sooo yummy!
Sick all of last week, turned out to be a touch of bronchitis. Everyone around me nagged me to get it checked out and I finally listed, then got some antibiotics at the urgent care place, which helped a great deal.
Someone felt the need to scream at me as they drove by while I was riding my bike, as well as tossing their drink...
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Someone felt the need to scream at me as they drove by while I was riding my bike, as well as tossing their drink...
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I hope you feel better!
People are jerks which is why I naturally hate everyone
People are jerks which is why I naturally hate everyone
Antibiotics helped the bronchitis... for about a week. While at Anime Expo, I started feeling sick again in exactly the same way... just the thing when working a dealer's booth. Got through it OK (and got some neat swag and cosplay pictures). Called my real doctor, who could fit me in in three weeks, after I was due back from the Comic-Con. Another was available sooner, thankfully.