Yeah I know it's been awhile since I've posted. We've been busy trying to get our shit together before the baby got here with holidays and all.
The good news is we've gotten the bulk of our Christmas shopping done and wrapped up. We just have a few minor things to get tomorrow and wrap them up.
And...Vincent decided to come 9 days early lol I was due Christmas Eve. He came Dec 15th.
December 10th I had a doctor's appointment. My doc checked me and I had dilated to 3cm (at this point, I had been dilating 1cm per week since 36 weeks). He scheduled me another appointment for that Thursday because he didn't think I'd make it to my appointment on Thursday.
Well, I made it to Thursday much to my doc's surprise. He checked me again and I was dilated to 4cm. In 3 days time, I went up another notch so to speak
My doc said I could go anytime at that point and was surprised I hadn't even gone into labor yet.
By this time, I had given up going into labor. I had no signs of impending labor-no contractions or anything.
Saturday we were supposed to do housecleaning to prepare for the holidays. Saturday was awfully cloudy and rainy that day and typically that kind of weather makes me a little drowsy. And it was cold as hell. I had crawled back into bed to take a quick nap.
I woke up about 1:30pm and snuggled with John for a little bit. At 2:30 I got up so I could eat. The second my feet hit the floor, contractions started. But I ignored them because I figured they were false contractions that would go away eventually. But they were coming 3-4 minutes apart. (My doc had told me if I started having contractions 10 min apart, to go to the hospital asap because my labor would be quick). As I ate my bowl of cereal, I was timing them. They were starting to get more intense and come closer together (2-3 min apart).
After I ate, I told John that I was going to take a warm bath and see if that stopped the contractions or not. If not, we should probably get ready to go the hospital. I got the bath set up and soaked for about 30 min or so. Contractions did not stop and they were getting more painful. John came in to check up on me. I told him to call his sister.
As I got dressed, John got the kids' overnight bag ready while we waited for his brother in law to pick up the kids. We left around 4 and got to the hospital around 5. While I was getting admitted into the hospital, one of the nurses checked to see if I had dilated since Thursday. I did. To 7cm.
It was around this time I was told my doc was not on call but his partner was (sad face).
By the time I got to Labor and Delivery, my contractions were really fucking intense and I asked for some drugs. The nurse told me that she had to get the doc to check me to make sure I wasn't dilated too far (this was around 6 I think). Man, it seemed like she was dragging ass. Anywho-The partner doc came in to check me. He said I was around 8cm and he broke my water. I got my drugs but hey! They didn't work! Except I got to feel high inbetween contractions.
After an hour, I asked for a second dose. Apparently, I hadn't made any progress anyway so they gave me a second dose. Which...also didn't work. Except now I felt REALLY high inbetween contractions.
About 30 min later, I started to get the urge to push. Doc checked me and said I was still the same but to go ahead and push during contractions if it made me feel better. So I did. For how long, I have no clue. Felt good though.
At one point, I told the nurse that I had to bear down very hard (I'm skipping the gross details for you guys). She tried telling me that my body wasn't ready and I was like "Yeah whatever!" So with the next contraction, I pushed as hard as I could. I felt Vincent move down into the birth canal. I looked over at John and said "I think he's stuck in my vagina." The nurse checked me and she was telling the other nurse to get the doc. HAHA.
Another contraction, I started pushing again. The doc barely made it in the room and the nurse was trying to hold the baby back hehe. I had the doc and the nurse tell me to stop pushing and to start breathing. Which I tried but I ended up pushing anyway. The doc was telling me to slow down and then I heard "The head is out!Suctioning his nose and mouth!" Another contraction and he was fully out! He came out crying
Vincent Alexander was born Dec 15th at 9:20pm. He weighed 8lbs and was 20in long.
Here he is right after we got moved to our room.
This was taken on Sunday:
We were home Sunday night (YAY! I hate hospitals). We're both doing just fine. This week has been quite interesting trying to get a routine going. John went back to work today so this is my first day with all 4 kids by myself.
I can't believe that a short week ago he was still in my belly with me thinking he'd never get here
The good news is we've gotten the bulk of our Christmas shopping done and wrapped up. We just have a few minor things to get tomorrow and wrap them up.
And...Vincent decided to come 9 days early lol I was due Christmas Eve. He came Dec 15th.
December 10th I had a doctor's appointment. My doc checked me and I had dilated to 3cm (at this point, I had been dilating 1cm per week since 36 weeks). He scheduled me another appointment for that Thursday because he didn't think I'd make it to my appointment on Thursday.
Well, I made it to Thursday much to my doc's surprise. He checked me again and I was dilated to 4cm. In 3 days time, I went up another notch so to speak

By this time, I had given up going into labor. I had no signs of impending labor-no contractions or anything.
Saturday we were supposed to do housecleaning to prepare for the holidays. Saturday was awfully cloudy and rainy that day and typically that kind of weather makes me a little drowsy. And it was cold as hell. I had crawled back into bed to take a quick nap.
I woke up about 1:30pm and snuggled with John for a little bit. At 2:30 I got up so I could eat. The second my feet hit the floor, contractions started. But I ignored them because I figured they were false contractions that would go away eventually. But they were coming 3-4 minutes apart. (My doc had told me if I started having contractions 10 min apart, to go to the hospital asap because my labor would be quick). As I ate my bowl of cereal, I was timing them. They were starting to get more intense and come closer together (2-3 min apart).
After I ate, I told John that I was going to take a warm bath and see if that stopped the contractions or not. If not, we should probably get ready to go the hospital. I got the bath set up and soaked for about 30 min or so. Contractions did not stop and they were getting more painful. John came in to check up on me. I told him to call his sister.
As I got dressed, John got the kids' overnight bag ready while we waited for his brother in law to pick up the kids. We left around 4 and got to the hospital around 5. While I was getting admitted into the hospital, one of the nurses checked to see if I had dilated since Thursday. I did. To 7cm.
It was around this time I was told my doc was not on call but his partner was (sad face).
By the time I got to Labor and Delivery, my contractions were really fucking intense and I asked for some drugs. The nurse told me that she had to get the doc to check me to make sure I wasn't dilated too far (this was around 6 I think). Man, it seemed like she was dragging ass. Anywho-The partner doc came in to check me. He said I was around 8cm and he broke my water. I got my drugs but hey! They didn't work! Except I got to feel high inbetween contractions.
After an hour, I asked for a second dose. Apparently, I hadn't made any progress anyway so they gave me a second dose. Which...also didn't work. Except now I felt REALLY high inbetween contractions.
About 30 min later, I started to get the urge to push. Doc checked me and said I was still the same but to go ahead and push during contractions if it made me feel better. So I did. For how long, I have no clue. Felt good though.
At one point, I told the nurse that I had to bear down very hard (I'm skipping the gross details for you guys). She tried telling me that my body wasn't ready and I was like "Yeah whatever!" So with the next contraction, I pushed as hard as I could. I felt Vincent move down into the birth canal. I looked over at John and said "I think he's stuck in my vagina." The nurse checked me and she was telling the other nurse to get the doc. HAHA.
Another contraction, I started pushing again. The doc barely made it in the room and the nurse was trying to hold the baby back hehe. I had the doc and the nurse tell me to stop pushing and to start breathing. Which I tried but I ended up pushing anyway. The doc was telling me to slow down and then I heard "The head is out!Suctioning his nose and mouth!" Another contraction and he was fully out! He came out crying

Vincent Alexander was born Dec 15th at 9:20pm. He weighed 8lbs and was 20in long.
Here he is right after we got moved to our room.

This was taken on Sunday:

We were home Sunday night (YAY! I hate hospitals). We're both doing just fine. This week has been quite interesting trying to get a routine going. John went back to work today so this is my first day with all 4 kids by myself.
I can't believe that a short week ago he was still in my belly with me thinking he'd never get here

happy birthday lady!!