I feel like I am going crazy with this pregnancy. Keep in mind, it has been about 6 yrs since I've last been pregnant. And I know what I'm going through this round I did not with my other 3 kids. I seriously am suspecting that there might be more than one baby in there (I've had this feeling for awhile) but I feel like a retard for thinking it.
1) My pregnancy test with from this:

to this:

in 5 days.
2) I tested postive at 3 weeks (or around 6dpo since I know I ovulated Apr 5th). So I googlefu'd the shit out of that and I've gotten 3 stories:
a) either I ovulated earlier than I thought I did (which I didn't because I've been keeping track of my cycles due to having my IUD removed)
b) I have an ectopic pregnancy (meaning the baby implanted in the fallopian tube or anywhere else not in the uterus)
c) there is more than one in there
3) I had severe "ovulation" pain for 2 days before I ovulated. I have NEVER EVER in my entire life had ovulation pains before I had kids or even after having kids. I found out through my obsessive googlefu that it could be a sign of hyper-ovulation.
4) I've already started to bloat up. With my other 3 kids, I didn't start bloating up until 8-10wks and then my belly popped out at 12wks.
5) Already started to gain weight. I can't fit into my skinny jeans a week later. A fucking week later. Typically I don't starting NOT fitting into my clothes around 2-3 months.
6) I am so mega tired. I sleep a bajillion hrs at night. Wake up for a couple hrs, get sleepy again, take a 4 hr nap. Wake up. Cook dinner. Put the kids to bed. Stay up for a few hrs. Go back to bed. Start the cycle over again.
I know every pregnancy is different. I know that with having 3 kids previously, my body is like "Oh this again!" I know each of my symptoms can be explained away. I have an appt in 2 weeks so I'll know then since my doc will be doing an ultrasound.
PS: I should probably learn to proofread my blogs before posting them. *sigh*
PPS: I've gained 4 lbs in a week!
1) My pregnancy test with from this:

to this:

in 5 days.
2) I tested postive at 3 weeks (or around 6dpo since I know I ovulated Apr 5th). So I googlefu'd the shit out of that and I've gotten 3 stories:
a) either I ovulated earlier than I thought I did (which I didn't because I've been keeping track of my cycles due to having my IUD removed)
b) I have an ectopic pregnancy (meaning the baby implanted in the fallopian tube or anywhere else not in the uterus)
c) there is more than one in there
3) I had severe "ovulation" pain for 2 days before I ovulated. I have NEVER EVER in my entire life had ovulation pains before I had kids or even after having kids. I found out through my obsessive googlefu that it could be a sign of hyper-ovulation.
4) I've already started to bloat up. With my other 3 kids, I didn't start bloating up until 8-10wks and then my belly popped out at 12wks.
5) Already started to gain weight. I can't fit into my skinny jeans a week later. A fucking week later. Typically I don't starting NOT fitting into my clothes around 2-3 months.
6) I am so mega tired. I sleep a bajillion hrs at night. Wake up for a couple hrs, get sleepy again, take a 4 hr nap. Wake up. Cook dinner. Put the kids to bed. Stay up for a few hrs. Go back to bed. Start the cycle over again.
I know every pregnancy is different. I know that with having 3 kids previously, my body is like "Oh this again!" I know each of my symptoms can be explained away. I have an appt in 2 weeks so I'll know then since my doc will be doing an ultrasound.
PS: I should probably learn to proofread my blogs before posting them. *sigh*
PPS: I've gained 4 lbs in a week!

To be honest I wouldn't have given SWTOR a second thought if Star Trek Online didn't have so many horrible features. It also supports a gamepad and the space combat model really keeps you on your toes. Unfortunately the horrific graphics, unbelievably bad writing and voice acting (what there is of it) plus the repetitive mission modules drag that one into the ground.
I have games on my Dreamcast with better graphics than STO so that's not saying much. lol I was kind of hoping to avoid the fantasy genre since I'm a sci-fi geek. But since we're recommending MMO's to one another I stumbled on Black Prophecy a year or so ago when it was still in closed beta. Its a F2P MMO with AMAZING graphics and supports gamepads. Not much of a story but the action is top notch and very fast paced. Plus the war zones are some of the best in the business.