I just got done making my first prenatal appt. It is on Apr 30th at 10:15am. I will be 6 weeks. Totally getting an ultrasound that day. That'll probably be my "Shit's just got real!" moment!
I'm no longer in Vindicated. The GM announced he was leaving SWTOR. So I pulled 2 (out of 5) of my characters out of the guild to help another guildie start his own guild. I told them I was keeping my other 3 toons in the Vindicated to help out and stick around. Yeah-Now I'm the red-headed step child. My website access has been restricted. I couldn't even vote for the new GM. Honestly, I don't even know how long I'll be playing SWTOR now. I signed up for the Tera Online beta and as of May 1st, I'll probably be playing that instead since I don't have any ties to SWTOR.
I'm no longer in Vindicated. The GM announced he was leaving SWTOR. So I pulled 2 (out of 5) of my characters out of the guild to help another guildie start his own guild. I told them I was keeping my other 3 toons in the Vindicated to help out and stick around. Yeah-Now I'm the red-headed step child. My website access has been restricted. I couldn't even vote for the new GM. Honestly, I don't even know how long I'll be playing SWTOR now. I signed up for the Tera Online beta and as of May 1st, I'll probably be playing that instead since I don't have any ties to SWTOR.
I hope everything goes well when you get the ultrsound
Good luck with the visit!