So Daemius and I were trying to run expert King's Breach. We get this shit healer from the guild <Creatures of Chaos> (we call them CoC as a joke). The mage had to switch to a healing spec because the actual healer (with 3k mana at lvl 50) couldn't keep me alive. The healer dced a few times, lagged out, wiped the whole party. The mage asked him if he was having internet issues because he heals suck balls. The healer gets all defensive about his healing. So I pull, I get NO HEALS, the party dies, I leave. Then Daemius gets this little gem from Mr. Tool:
Never again Daemius are we running with that PoS from CoC. NEVER AGAIN!!!

Never again Daemius are we running with that PoS from CoC. NEVER AGAIN!!!
giving a bad rep to smokers everywhere. I do 10 times better when i smoke before doing anything game related. What a noob!!!!
That fucking blows