Entry #8
"Rain, rain, go away - come back another day"
Yipee it worked
Summer's on its way boys n girls!!! It was sunny t shirt weather in work yesterday, and my Daffs are starting to flower! The yellows look luverly mixed in with the purples of my Iris's and Crocus's. (Oh dear, i'm revealing my so unSG green fingered side. Time to start swearing...
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"Rain, rain, go away - come back another day"
Yipee it worked

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Entry #7
Fuck man, i hate this bloody miserable weather. It hasn't stopped pissing down for god knows how long.
Bring on the summer, and the scantily clad punkgrrrrrrls.
I'm also considering a name change from PervyPunk to SkunkPunk. Its got a rather nice ring to it, don't you think? And it seems very appropriate at the moment maaaaan
Anyway, i suppose i'll just knock...
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Fuck man, i hate this bloody miserable weather. It hasn't stopped pissing down for god knows how long.
Bring on the summer, and the scantily clad punkgrrrrrrls.
I'm also considering a name change from PervyPunk to SkunkPunk. Its got a rather nice ring to it, don't you think? And it seems very appropriate at the moment maaaaan

Anyway, i suppose i'll just knock...
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hahaha I love your pic. Thanks for the warm welcome! See ya round 

Nice pic dude.
Rock City in summer is HOT for the scantily-clad girlies
Rock City in summer is HOT for the scantily-clad girlies

Entry #6
Oh my head hurts!!!!!! I hate having to go into work after having a skinful. I never usually work weekends, but it was a major cable fault and my expertise in this field was required (yeah right, what they mean is they couldn't get any other dumbfuck to work on a Sunday)
Anyway, i got totally WasTed with WaTed (a fellow Welsh SG...
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Oh my head hurts!!!!!! I hate having to go into work after having a skinful. I never usually work weekends, but it was a major cable fault and my expertise in this field was required (yeah right, what they mean is they couldn't get any other dumbfuck to work on a Sunday)
Anyway, i got totally WasTed with WaTed (a fellow Welsh SG...
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Behold my American, and non-American, friends...it's 'The Duke'!
See you Saturday 'PP'!
[Edited on Mar 06, 2003]
See you Saturday 'PP'!
[Edited on Mar 06, 2003]
Coming out tonight (Sunday) mate??
Hope you got a taxi home...
Hope you got a taxi home...

Entry #5
Well i've only just shaken off my flu and now i got more problems
My old back problem flared up again today, and once it starts, its on and off all the time. I'm convinced its Sciatica because aswell as the pain in my lower back, i also get sickly throbbing aches in my left arse cheek and in my left calf muscle....
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Well i've only just shaken off my flu and now i got more problems

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I see a theme in your fav. girls, they've all got red hair, does my red tipped hair count?
I think it would Nala, but Pervy's got to get up early in the morning, so don't expect any sense for 12+ hours.
I do like your new set though...
I do like your new set though...

Entry #4
A mate of mine just popped round and gave me back the 40 i lent him months ago, which i had totally forgotten about! So i decided to pop to Tescos and do some shopping. I didnt know what the hell i was going to buy and had visions of me coming away from there having wasted all the money on beer and...
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A mate of mine just popped round and gave me back the 40 i lent him months ago, which i had totally forgotten about! So i decided to pop to Tescos and do some shopping. I didnt know what the hell i was going to buy and had visions of me coming away from there having wasted all the money on beer and...
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I believe Smiling With Semtex are touring in Ireland in March...
I'd love to visit Scotland one day. I even have Scottish relatives + I've never even been close to the border. Oh well.
And I shall watch out for your van during the summer and then eye it up with jealous eyes
And I shall watch out for your van during the summer and then eye it up with jealous eyes

Entry #3
I'm so much happier today
My flu is finally fading away after many, many pints of 'medicine' at my local
and the postie brought me a luverly present this morning........my SG t shirt!!!!! Yippee! I've worn it out already on a 'test drive' and it has already become a talking point with 2 girls i've never met before, one of which insisted i...
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I'm so much happier today

My flu is finally fading away after many, many pints of 'medicine' at my local

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wahey!!!!!!! nice of you to crawl out of the woodwork and make yourself known maaaaan
! Seeya in The D**e next time ya perve you
Your round....... mines a Newcastle Brown ok?

At Tony's prices! No way!
You gave Stef a sticker but not me...sob
You gave Stef a sticker but not me...sob
Entry #2
I'm very ill :sniff:
I came home from work today feeling fine. I made a coffee, checked my email, and nosed around SG for a while.
At 8pm i was off to TJ's in Newport to see the awesome Ataris and Antifreeze. It was wedged solid in there tonight despite the freezing weather, and gradually i started feeling kinda icky. As the hours...
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I'm very ill :sniff:

I came home from work today feeling fine. I made a coffee, checked my email, and nosed around SG for a while.
At 8pm i was off to TJ's in Newport to see the awesome Ataris and Antifreeze. It was wedged solid in there tonight despite the freezing weather, and gradually i started feeling kinda icky. As the hours...
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bleh.......i hope you are feeling better. some of that tomato soup sounds really good right now


Entry #1
You know the saying "its a small world"? Well, thats bollocks! Coz its a TINY world..........
I discovered (and joined) Suicide Girls on the 8th of February 2003. Two days later, i went to a local punk rock gig to watch one of my favourite local bands. There was a girl there wearing a SG top. I found this situation totally unbelievable, and...
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You know the saying "its a small world"? Well, thats bollocks! Coz its a TINY world..........
I discovered (and joined) Suicide Girls on the 8th of February 2003. Two days later, i went to a local punk rock gig to watch one of my favourite local bands. There was a girl there wearing a SG top. I found this situation totally unbelievable, and...
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You lucky bastard!
Heh, sure. I'd add you too if I had a friend's list.. mope!
i'd recommend anything off 'the illusion of safety' specifically "betrayal is a symptom", "in years to come", "trust" (decent song. slower, but powerful... the lyrics are extremely repetitive, though)
and off of 'identity crisis' try "torch to end all torches", "identity crisis"
and look for "send me an angel" from the 'pop goes punk' comp. and "that hideous strength" which i'm not sure where is from.