Why is it that after sleeping with a woman I just want to leave/want her to leave? I'm not an asshole, I'm one of those prototypical nice guys who finishes last. But if I have to sleep with my arm under her all night after about 30 seconds I start to seriously consider chewing it off at the shoulder so I can make a bloody... Read More
don't let love fuck you up!...i like sleeping skin to skin, just not holding...like none of that putting your arm, well, anywhere...you keep your arms, i'll keep mine...actually with my ex, when we did actually sleep together and stay the night with each other, we slept butt to butt...it was really cute...i miss that...blah
oh...and if you do chew your arm off, make sure it's the left one, or cancel your sg membership
I didn't mean to link to that messageboard thread... I meant to link to this article instead. Which most of you have probably already seen by now, anyway.
Stella_Marie -- thanks for adding me! But I wanna be your John too...
Hi, I'm new here, my good friend nefaria made me sign up so that I could see her half-naked pictures. She recently left NYC for LA, but before she did, she threw several awesome going-away parties, and apparently I met some SG people there (unbeknownst to me at the time.) So if I've met you before, hello again... and otherwise I'm looking forward to exploring... Read More
So now that I've managed to tear my eyes away from looking at hot naked girls -- and now that my hands (both hands) have resumed the full and upright typing position -- what do I do next?