whew....ok my bud in austin didnt commit suicide...which is great news. turns out after the last attempt she made she checked in to a looney bin for a while. her ex husband had gone around telling people that she had commited suicide. well shes out of the bin and is in a much better mood. i think i might have to go visit her somtime.....well...
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well its good to hear about her not doing herself in. and im glad you finally are quiting that job its pretty kewl that you didnt have to go through your two weeks but i guess this means no eclipse huh? ok later man
Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Hope it kicks ass and you get drunked kiss
...a freind of mine might have commited suicide yesterday....she lives in austin..i have called her about 20 times since last night. thinking of tracking down her ex husband to see if he knows anything...
THIS FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

frown kiss frown puke
frustration frustration frustration!!! heh i spent about 3 hours looking for a song that i didnt know the title to..or the band......how stupid is that!! grrr. well my first night off was...meh.. i was supposed to meet coworkers agian for drinks and crap....heh i overslept...and just flaked out on the whole thing. ah well they will get over it. sooo...this girl that started working at...
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get green i have a song like that to mad i just wanna know what its called
wow that made my day

biggrin kiss blush puke

Dont you just hate that feeling in your gut when somthing that was really really good is about to lose its luster or go bad in some way. meh. relationships, jobs, people, things...they all have a shelf life. some things last for a long time before becoming stale...others become stale quickly. For the last year and a half i have devoted lots of my free...
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thus is life everything changes and nothing stays the same.
sigh..another shift over...another 4 days off. this one kinda kicked off funny. went to breakfast with my coworkers and one of them ended up sharting. he ran staight to the rest room and was in there for like 10 min..lol. well looks like tonight they are gonna go bar hopping again and would like for me to go...and again..i will prolly pass. The nice sting...
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later man have a good week
Thank you!
whoooo...mah mah mah..whoooooo..mah mah mah...whooo...the base the rock the mic the trebel....i like my coffee black...just like my metal.....

oooohhhh kkkkkk..so i am in a weird mood....how about yall? anything good happening? do you like penutbutter? discuss.

heh. laters

biggrin kiss blush puke
i like peanutbutter in small quantities...like I like those minuture penutbuttercups because they have more chocolate than penutbutter
i love bass
::runs by all the females with a whip and smacks them once with it:: muahahahh you know you like it.

biggrin kiss blush puke
but i'm not female
hmm....days off..well this is my third i think..i have been drunk off my ass since i got off work so i cant make heads or tails of anything. meh. wow servers down right now blah. weelky maintnence. was invited to go shooting yesterday..i never answerd my freinds back. bad thing is i cant remember that dudes name anymore i know its one of my freind...
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i hate when that happens. but atleast you still know your name, thats a plus
Guess what fucko, I was right! I heard Kittie was playing the Curtain Club soon.
04/29/06 $19 at the door, $16 advanced.
Not too bad at all.
We are so going if you don't work. wink
Doors at 9 pm smile