was so drunk they reactivated my SG account? lol. well thank you who ever you are. i owe you a few drinks i think. well since i have the space i will rant like normal. in recent months i got a new phone....its called an instinct...and i cant do anything on it....I got a new woman....and she rocks....My job still sucks and i will be getting a new one soon im hoping.. and i am waiting on a new computer to come in the mail...but fed ex sucks.......meh. i do still have my deep thoughts and i rant alot but i usually keep it to myspace or just keep it to myself since no one listens anyway kinda cool to have my account again i may reactivate it again myself. i still would like to know who did it cause i really owe that person a drink. well till next time. WOMBATS STOLE MY BIKE!! I NEED A GALLON OF RAINBOW SHERBERT TO MAKE THE NAZIS GO AWAY...NO REALLY THEY ARE AFTER ME!!!