so.....another week..meh. Well i got a new job and it sucked so bad that i quit.... i wasnt too happy about working 13 hour days 6 times a week for what i was making working 12 hours a night 4 days a week. So now i am looking again for somthing half way decent. meh. nothing new. for about a solid 5 years now i have thought a certain movie star was one of the hottest women i have ever seen....funny thing is i never could figure out what her name was...well i finally found out the name...yay go me!! lol. Zooey Deschanel....gggrrrroowwlll. now that i think about it......she looks alot like my ex mandie...funky. lol. well anyway. boredom boredom boredom....yeah i am sure i spelled that all wrong but meh what do i care. I seriously cant figure out what the hell to do with myself these days. anyone need anyone else bumped off?? i seriously wanna be a hitman.
sigh...i need to hurry up and find a job. I go stir crazy if i am not occupied with some kind of task.

You are well qualified!
Wow, she is a cutie! I've heard the name, just don't know the girl. Must be something I've never seen before. hmmmmmmm Mandie is pretty also.
Congrats on the car again and hope your birthday was fun.