whew....ok my bud in austin didnt commit suicide...which is great news. turns out after the last attempt she made she checked in to a looney bin for a while. her ex husband had gone around telling people that she had commited suicide. well shes out of the bin and is in a much better mood. i think i might have to go visit her somtime.....well assuming i wanna leave the house. well i turned in my 2 weeks notice at work and due to the new policy they have i got to go home that day...yay. well anyway the following morning i sent my resume to like 10 diffrent places and the next day i had 2 interviews. the first one was iffy..i didnt like the place the second was pretty cool. Im hoping after background check and stuff i get that one. meh who knows. yall have a good one.

well its good to hear about her not doing herself in. and im glad you finally are quiting that job its pretty kewl that you didnt have to go through your two weeks but i guess this means no eclipse huh? ok later man
Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Hope it kicks ass and you get drunked