frustration frustration frustration!!! heh i spent about 3 hours looking for a song that i didnt know the title to..or the stupid is that!! grrr. well my first night off was...meh.. i was supposed to meet coworkers agian for drinks and crap....heh i overslept...and just flaked out on the whole thing. ah well they will get over it. sooo...this girl that started working at the company 2 months ago and keeps coming to our office to visit has been messing around with one of my coworkers..LOL!!!! worst part the dude is married. even worse..the ....ummm......
now i know i am no prize what so ever but i am not in denial and i have been known to go around telling people that i know i am ugly and look like a whino especially since i havent shaved in like 3 weeks..heh i am gonna go for the crazy hermit that lives in the woods look...well at least for another week..then i will shave and buzz my head again. but anyway back to the ugly chick....ok...ok..shes not like old decrepid bus driver that is 50 years old and has a false eye and a mustache ugly. its her personality and just overall looks. cause you can be unatractive and still be cute cuase of your personality..i know people that i would never normally find attractive but they have such an intoxicating and pleasant personality that you just cant help but like them..even in that way. anyway this woman...omg.. from the first time i talked to her on the phone i did not like her...for starters she dosnt get hints....i sigh....get really rude and just strait up dont pay attention when she calls our department and it took damn near a month to realize that if she gets me on the phone she needs to hang up or as for somone else...and thats where my coworker comes in...the fool can not help but be nice...even when he does not mean it. after talking to people he hangs up and gets pissed off or bitches about the person he was just being nice im up front with my dislike twoard people if you have ever talked to me and i just didnt answer you or told you to go to hell up front then thats the hint...i hate you.. yup. we grilled my coworker and he finally broke , turns out he has been fooling around with said woman for the last few weeks. even more funny my other coworker wants in on the action as it is...LOL!!! what is wrong with some people? meh. i just hope neither of them get caught last thing i want is drama spilling my way.
meh.. i have totaly screwed up my sleep pattern today...i have been up since 4pm yesterday.... and.....sniff....i am out of booze....well not totally but the stuff i have gives me massive heart burn if i drink it strait. I have been thinking of hanging out with alot of the people i used to again starting with close freinds..........though i may give it another week or two before i call one of them and see if they wanna do somthing. maybe i will wise up and realize that wont be a good idea and stick to isolation..heh. well i finally got an xbox 360......and i have only played it for about an hour then went back to my computer....heh. hopefully a good game will come out for that thing or i may just take it out to a feild and use it as one of the most expensive targets for my gun that i have ever bought.
a person i know that likes to torture me with news of one of my ex girlfreinds current events has told me she has had her second kid. I am actually extatic about it.. though i am dissapointed that its a boy..heh. that person that told me fails to realize i got over that person well over a year and a half ago. but the news was good in my opinion. the kid is about a month or more younger than my newborn nefew. the biggest problem i am trying to resolve is what color of car i am gonna get...heh. I am in the market for one of those new 06-07 eclipses. im torn between, or silver..
.... heh i found a N.E.R.V. parking decal i got with an evangelion dvd i got a long time ago that i wanna put on it..heh. speaking of anime....holy hell i havent been watching any lately...i rearranged my collection and realized i have like 100 or more dvds most of them collections and i have only seen about 80 of them or less.....and there is still more that i wanna add...heh. holy hell i am rambling...shit this is what happens when i stay awake too long without alcohol. laters.

now i know i am no prize what so ever but i am not in denial and i have been known to go around telling people that i know i am ugly and look like a whino especially since i havent shaved in like 3 weeks..heh i am gonna go for the crazy hermit that lives in the woods look...well at least for another week..then i will shave and buzz my head again. but anyway back to the ugly chick....ok...ok..shes not like old decrepid bus driver that is 50 years old and has a false eye and a mustache ugly. its her personality and just overall looks. cause you can be unatractive and still be cute cuase of your personality..i know people that i would never normally find attractive but they have such an intoxicating and pleasant personality that you just cant help but like them..even in that way. anyway this woman...omg.. from the first time i talked to her on the phone i did not like her...for starters she dosnt get hints....i sigh....get really rude and just strait up dont pay attention when she calls our department and it took damn near a month to realize that if she gets me on the phone she needs to hang up or as for somone else...and thats where my coworker comes in...the fool can not help but be nice...even when he does not mean it. after talking to people he hangs up and gets pissed off or bitches about the person he was just being nice im up front with my dislike twoard people if you have ever talked to me and i just didnt answer you or told you to go to hell up front then thats the hint...i hate you.. yup. we grilled my coworker and he finally broke , turns out he has been fooling around with said woman for the last few weeks. even more funny my other coworker wants in on the action as it is...LOL!!! what is wrong with some people? meh. i just hope neither of them get caught last thing i want is drama spilling my way.
meh.. i have totaly screwed up my sleep pattern today...i have been up since 4pm yesterday.... and.....sniff....i am out of booze....well not totally but the stuff i have gives me massive heart burn if i drink it strait. I have been thinking of hanging out with alot of the people i used to again starting with close freinds..........though i may give it another week or two before i call one of them and see if they wanna do somthing. maybe i will wise up and realize that wont be a good idea and stick to isolation..heh. well i finally got an xbox 360......and i have only played it for about an hour then went back to my computer....heh. hopefully a good game will come out for that thing or i may just take it out to a feild and use it as one of the most expensive targets for my gun that i have ever bought.
a person i know that likes to torture me with news of one of my ex girlfreinds current events has told me she has had her second kid. I am actually extatic about it.. though i am dissapointed that its a boy..heh. that person that told me fails to realize i got over that person well over a year and a half ago. but the news was good in my opinion. the kid is about a month or more younger than my newborn nefew. the biggest problem i am trying to resolve is what color of car i am gonna get...heh. I am in the market for one of those new 06-07 eclipses. im torn between, or silver..

get green i have a song like that to
i just wanna know what its called
