Dont you just hate that feeling in your gut when somthing that was really really good is about to lose its luster or go bad in some way. meh. relationships, jobs, people, things...they all have a shelf life. some things last for a long time before becoming stale...others become stale quickly. For the last year and a half i have devoted lots of my free time to playing a game...heh. it was great not knowing people on the game..then real life freinds were plaing and it got so much better...then they left...and it kinda got empty. so what do you do...move to another server and make new freinds. this last move happend last holloween after my bud eric stopped playing. i moved to someplace new. made new freinds joined a group of january lots of them left. so i left the group to join another one with another real life freind in tow. no one liked this real life freind of i had to defend her alot. well this new group is a great team....but now its seems to be falling apart. my real life freind got depressed cause she was always excluded and finally got frustrated enough just to stop playing today. now others are talking as if they may not play anymore..i know its just a game. but it really sucks when people you have played with get disheartened and quit. its like an old job. you see people all the time for a long time you work with may never be more than coworkers but you get to know them you see them all the time. then you quit or work somwhere else...yeah you always tell your coworkers you will keep in touch....but it never really happens dose it? sigh. i find myself logging out early tonight...its hard to have fun playing a game where you have to iteract with other people..and then all of a sudden..the "Norms" are gone. funny thing is things are falling appart after we did so much and put so much time into accomplishing a task that we have recived praise and hate from other players for doing. meh.
well maybe i am just tired. who knows. anyway any of you all that play wow....the gates of AQ the current hardest dungeon on world of warcraft were opened yesterday at noon on the RP server kirin tor. we played out the ten hour war that was part of the event....our guild of the most enveid, respected, and hated guilds on the server put in lots of time to do it. many other servers have done this but for us it was fun and a first for lots of us and now from the way lots are talking we are falling apart. its a game. a hobbie, some people take it too serious in my opinion. i play cause its fun, and its a good way to escape reality for a while. sigh. whatever. yall have a good one.

thus is life everything changes and nothing stays the same.