sigh..another shift over...another 4 days off. this one kinda kicked off funny. went to breakfast with my coworkers and one of them ended up sharting. he ran staight to the rest room and was in there for like 10 well looks like tonight they are gonna go bar hopping again and would like for me to go...and again..i will prolly pass. The nice sting of being anti social is hitting me yet again..and i plan to drown it out with lots and lots of booze..heh. Looks like i will be carshopping in about a week or so. well not really shopping i know what i want. i want a 2006-07 eclipse GS. i just have no clue what color i want. if i get a red one i plan to get personalized plates and put evangelion stickers on it..heh. work last night sucked. it was busy and we were given a list of tasks to get done along with our normal shit...funny thing is the tasks were the things we do all the time anyway..but our boss put a very shitty comment on it and made it mandatory that we sign said sheet and turn it in after our last time i checked we were not in highschool so i put my name and doodled all over it and drew a hand sticking the finger. i hope he gets the point. will i get fired for that? nope. all tasks were completed and he has a sense of humor..heh. anyway. im rambling and i should go go walk the dog or somthing. laters

later man have a good week
Thank you!