hmmm..tonight will be my last night of the shift....and i am gonna go out to hooters with coworkers and then to wizards....i dont know why. i dont think i will get as toasted as last time..heh. i have no wish to talk to anyone but i do wanna get out of the thats why i am going i guess. food...and booze...yay!!! anyways. not much has changed. went to austin about 2 weeks ago or so. i got lost on the way to a freinds house..heh. we watched anime all freaking night. she has an asian female freind that supposebly drinks more than i do..heh i have to see that somtime. meh. nothing new. I have gotten a few of my coworkers hooked on eating sushi. the best place that has great sushi that is close enough to go pick it up from while at work is in deep ellum called deep sushi. they by far have the best besides the place i went to where no one spoke english...which i dont know the name cause the sign is in asian characters..and there is no english anything in the restraunt. anyway. im bored. and about to sleep so laters yall.

later. what anime by the way
veru good animes i can never sit throgh that many shows