updating again....dear me lets pray its only a fluke..heh Ok so i am burned out sooooo bad on World of Warcraft..heh i swear for a video game there are a shit load of drama queens on that game. in the time i have been playing i have been in stupid ass arguments have been asked to stop talking to certain people in game by the leaders of some of the guilds i have been in...and even had a few stalkers!!! WTF!!!!!!! granted i enjoy the game world like a billion times more than anything in real life..heh. but some of the people are getting on my nerves..and switching realmes dose not always help cause there are tards everywhere. bah anyway...tonight will be night 3 of work. its gonna be boring since saturdays are always slow. im taking some dvds and me and the others are gonna get some sushi from deep sushi...heh. we tried last night but it was too late when we did...grrrr. meh. im gonna have a dirty martini and then go to sleep. yall have a good one.

mmmm sushi yum. theres a badass sushi place here im going there on monday after i get paid so i can eat raw squid mmmmmmmm and other assortments fo raw thingsmmmmmmm do you think they have animal heart anywhere mmmmmmmmmmm damn im hungry mmmmmmmmm yep no more being controlled means i can eat all the nasty stuff i love oh so much.