Meh. almost didnt make it to work last night cause a stupid car ran me off the road. i miss working days. the day peeps got put up in hotels last night to ensure that they would be at work bright and part of that deal...there is a bar/pool hall in the hotel...drinks are pretty much on the company.....sigh. well at least tonight is my last night of the shift again. cant say i am looking foward to anything except more W.O.W. and of course drinking. I serisouly need to get back in shape!!! I went running the other day and i was dead when i got back home...well..mostly cause it was uber cold and i was hacking my lungs out from it...hmmm.....My brothers baby is about 2 months from being born....i am still uber curious on what its gonna be..i hope its a girl. I myself want a girl someday i am still leaning more to adoption cause again...i would rather bypass the hassle of finding a good woman cause no matter what anyone says there is no such thing. well not to my liking that is. last night at work was kinda funny. a driver that was fired for very very bad performance and service failures and after he cleaned out his trunk he kinda went nuts...he wrote the "N" word backwards on his forehead and started screaming and making a huge scene. the called the cops and 4 of them showed up.....even funnier was that they were all black....and he had that written on his head....what a tard. one of my favorite team of drivers brought me some tequila...heh i am gonna get a few shots in this morning before i hit the sleeping bag...i went outside to go for a walk or run...but fuck that!! its like 20 degrees out there. ah well. how have you all been? anything interesting?? i hear of some christmas party....i wish i could go but i gotta work. eh. well anyways yall have a good one.

It's been hard to force myself to work out lately. Too cold! I dont even want to go to the gym, bec of the fear of freezing on the way out. Been trying to do my home workout videos.
Too bad you cant come to the Christmas party. We are never gonna meet!
[Edited on Dec 11, 2005 9:09AM]