Meh....it really isnt. So guess what everyone......Im engaged!! woot!!! shes not as insane as i am...meaning she doesnt have it on paper like i do...hehe..but she is still a bit crazy. we have known each other for about a year and started seeing each other 6 months ago....or so. on the bad side...i got layed off..bleh...so looking for...
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Meh....it really isnt. So guess what everyone......Im engaged!! woot!!! shes not as insane as i am...meaning she doesnt have it on paper like i do...hehe..but she is still a bit crazy. we have known each other for about a year and started seeing each other 6 months ago....or so. on the bad side...i got layed off..bleh...so looking for...
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Hmmmmm.....so...who was so drunk they reactivated my SG account? lol. well thank you who ever you are. i owe you a few drinks i think. well since i have the space i will rant like normal. in recent months i got a new phone....its called an instinct...and i cant do anything on it....I got a new woman....and she rocks....My job still sucks and i will...
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Woah...i forgot i had this thing......how yall been...me...same ole same ole. im not so much a head case as i was a year ago..lol. guess in a way that sucks..i think it made me more interesting. meh. laters

So how have yall been. me ...not too bad..not too good. Nothing really new. got some new anime..a few more games...i started talking to old freinds again and stopped being such a hermit. my mums dog died and i burried it. my cat is still insane. other than that..not much new.

New Anime, like what?
well another weekend....woot. getting plasterd as i type this in..heh.. nothing new so far..just waiting for WOW burning crusade to come out. heh. other than that. been thinking of dating again...but dont know if its cause i really want to or to purposely hurt people now....hmm..dunno. both sound pretty good at this point.. yeah yeah..your not supposed to toy with peoples emotions...but whey you dont...
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Welcome to my secret lair on Skullcrusher Mountain
I hope that you've enjoyed your stay so far
I see you've met my assistant Scarface
His appearance is quite disturbing
But I assure you he's harmless enough
He's a sweetheart, calls me master
And he has a way of finding pretty things and bringing them to me
I'm so into you
But I'm way too smart...
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I hope that you've enjoyed your stay so far
I see you've met my assistant Scarface
His appearance is quite disturbing
But I assure you he's harmless enough
He's a sweetheart, calls me master
And he has a way of finding pretty things and bringing them to me
I'm so into you
But I'm way too smart...
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good to know. i did it. i got WoW and am certifiably addicted

Wooohooo..i have booze now..i am happy.!!!. besides that i bought a bunch of manga .....i need somthing to read at work. speaking of which..i think i have a 3 day weekend..woot. anyway...yall have a good one. just checkng in...like anyone cares.

I played the Wii and found the Fist of the North Star movie on DVD. Mine's better. 

Fish aint got good metals to listens to.....heh
so...im working YAY....but the tude has not changed. meh. I still cant wait for somting apocalyptic to happen...prolly wont..but you can dream cant you. i have no idea what is going on with anyone anymore..lol. when i started this little experiment of cutting myself off from freinds and stuff..i had no idea if it could really be...
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so...im working YAY....but the tude has not changed. meh. I still cant wait for somting apocalyptic to happen...prolly wont..but you can dream cant you. i have no idea what is going on with anyone anymore..lol. when i started this little experiment of cutting myself off from freinds and stuff..i had no idea if it could really be...
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They say there are some people in this world who are born and use up their usefulness in the first 20 years of thier lifes. after their use...they are nothing more than walking dead. For the first time in a long time i was angry...to the point i had loaded my gun with the most horrible of intentions. Heh...recently i was called a zombie. was...
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well its good to see you still live lol i have long seen the statements above as a true. its not that your used up cause there is still lots you can accomplish, its the people you incounter that hurt and use you, and all in all treat you like shit that makes you a zombie. thats why i love that stone sour song bother so much. it basically says that. but you know what fuck what people say or think because the people who are telling you this probably had something to do with how you are now. just live for yourself and fuck everybody else. do what makes you happy even if it is a uncaring zombie, just means youve come to the realization of who you are.
so.....another week..meh. Well i got a new job and it sucked so bad that i quit.... i wasnt too happy about working 13 hour days 6 times a week for what i was making working 12 hours a night 4 days a week. So now i am looking again for somthing half way decent. meh. nothing new. for about a solid 5 years now i...
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Ah dude that sucks about the job being boring. Oh well, hopefully you'll find something.
You are well qualified!
Wow, she is a cutie! I've heard the name, just don't know the girl. Must be something I've never seen before. hmmmmmmm Mandie is pretty also.
Congrats on the car again and hope your birthday was fun.
You are well qualified!

Wow, she is a cutie! I've heard the name, just don't know the girl. Must be something I've never seen before. hmmmmmmm Mandie is pretty also.

Congrats on the car again and hope your birthday was fun.

ha yea well I think b/c they know that I live there alone they dont give a fuck about bothering me.
whew....ok my bud in austin didnt commit suicide...which is great news. turns out after the last attempt she made she checked in to a looney bin for a while. her ex husband had gone around telling people that she had commited suicide. well shes out of the bin and is in a much better mood. i think i might have to go visit her somtime.....well...
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well its good to hear about her not doing herself in. and im glad you finally are quiting that job its pretty kewl that you didnt have to go through your two weeks but i guess this means no eclipse huh? ok later man
Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Hope it kicks ass and you get drunked