To clarify my last post : I sent the same message first to stringtheory182
Ok I am party at this girl Heather's apt at this time and I meet this girl Melissa that one of my other friends Veronica and Ryan bring over. She looked good,didnt seem like a total bitch, took some shots with her, plus she had her nipples pierced, which I found hot.(she flashed some dudes in front of me that were asking). Well on the way to a random lake to have a drunken swim in, we we sitting the back of my friends car and we kissed. I got her number and played the two day rule by the book, fast foward to the next week. She was out with her friends , at the local bar where all the party whores and ppl ( by the way is this rule bullshit?) go, Lookerman exchange. I call her to hang out and watch a movie, maybe expecting cuddling but nothing else. Well when she gets to my house, shes drunk and we sit in her car. We talk some more and how her friend at the bar was jealous cause she was dacing with all the guys. Then came something far out of right field when I asked her to come in. My mom was home and she asked " you mom doesnt care that you have people in at this time at night" , then , " What if we were having sex" . All I said ," Ive done it when my mom was awake". So we went up to my room, while making out I asked if she liked me, she said yes. We fucked and did the dirty deed. so a week later , shes looking to party to go to, Im at my friend Ant's birthday party.
She brings these two wigger guys one turning out to be an old friend, another, he ex boyfriend, whom shes still close with. I got kida mad to myself when I saw them kiss once. Who cares I was drunk to care anyways. Then again she was with all these dumb guys she was all over almost. But I let it slide, kinda irked I got, but I let it slide.
So I am at Walmart waiting for my oil to get changed.and like Usual they are taking forever. Well I am sitting in the waiting room and I have a good convorsation with this nice good looking girl named Alicia. I get her number and I play it by the book , We deicide to watch a movie together again at my house, Borat. Well her and I started making out after we cuddled. it sorta just happened. Again she told me she likes me , and we had sex , I admit it was good. Alicia doesnt talk to me for the 4th, but the next day ,she texts me saying she hooked back up with her ex boyfriend which I thought I really liked this girl and she breaks my heart , yet so soon. These two stories combined with my failed 1 year realtionship where she is now living with this wigger dude because he works full time, my troubles with girls in general , while my friends are bragging about the conquests, me seeing happy couples in where I work had got me pissed about so I wrote that in fustration . But now im being paitent , waiting for the right girl to come along.
Ok I am party at this girl Heather's apt at this time and I meet this girl Melissa that one of my other friends Veronica and Ryan bring over. She looked good,didnt seem like a total bitch, took some shots with her, plus she had her nipples pierced, which I found hot.(she flashed some dudes in front of me that were asking). Well on the way to a random lake to have a drunken swim in, we we sitting the back of my friends car and we kissed. I got her number and played the two day rule by the book, fast foward to the next week. She was out with her friends , at the local bar where all the party whores and ppl ( by the way is this rule bullshit?) go, Lookerman exchange. I call her to hang out and watch a movie, maybe expecting cuddling but nothing else. Well when she gets to my house, shes drunk and we sit in her car. We talk some more and how her friend at the bar was jealous cause she was dacing with all the guys. Then came something far out of right field when I asked her to come in. My mom was home and she asked " you mom doesnt care that you have people in at this time at night" , then , " What if we were having sex" . All I said ," Ive done it when my mom was awake". So we went up to my room, while making out I asked if she liked me, she said yes. We fucked and did the dirty deed. so a week later , shes looking to party to go to, Im at my friend Ant's birthday party.
She brings these two wigger guys one turning out to be an old friend, another, he ex boyfriend, whom shes still close with. I got kida mad to myself when I saw them kiss once. Who cares I was drunk to care anyways. Then again she was with all these dumb guys she was all over almost. But I let it slide, kinda irked I got, but I let it slide.
So I am at Walmart waiting for my oil to get changed.and like Usual they are taking forever. Well I am sitting in the waiting room and I have a good convorsation with this nice good looking girl named Alicia. I get her number and I play it by the book , We deicide to watch a movie together again at my house, Borat. Well her and I started making out after we cuddled. it sorta just happened. Again she told me she likes me , and we had sex , I admit it was good. Alicia doesnt talk to me for the 4th, but the next day ,she texts me saying she hooked back up with her ex boyfriend which I thought I really liked this girl and she breaks my heart , yet so soon. These two stories combined with my failed 1 year realtionship where she is now living with this wigger dude because he works full time, my troubles with girls in general , while my friends are bragging about the conquests, me seeing happy couples in where I work had got me pissed about so I wrote that in fustration . But now im being paitent , waiting for the right girl to come along.
aw, thanks for the testimonial.
i didnt see it til today.

hey i've been ok sorry took so long to answer ya back i haven't ben on here in awhile how have you been hun??